July 5, 2023

The atomic structure of the material strontium vanadate (strontium vanadate) - illustration of the atomic structure of the material under tension (right) and compression (left). In the center you can see the true atomic arrangement in the material in an electron microscope image. At the bottom of the picture you can see how the various efforts change the structure of the energy levels in the material and therefore also the way the electrons arrange themselves in it. By controlling these properties, the researchers intend to engineer these materials into future transistors. Photo: Nitzan Zohar, Technion Spokesperson

The materials for the transistors of the future

Researchers at the Technion have engineered a material that may replace silicon in the world of electronics in the future; Through the stretching of the material at the atomic level, they gain control over the material's conduction and insulation properties, thus progressing towards turning it into a switch
Infographic showing the scientific instruments of the Euclid Space Telescope. Photo: European Space Agency

The 'Dark Universe' Euclid Space Telescope Launches on a Mission to Reveal the Universe's Deepest Mysteries

On July 1, 2023, the Euclid space telescope was successfully launched aboard Space-X's Falcon 9 rocket. It aims to explore the mysterious components of the universe, dark matter and dark energy