March 27, 2023

In a statement published tonight, the heads of the universities stated that this was done "against the continuation of the legislative process that undermines the foundations of Israeli democracy and endangers its continued existence."
Prof. Ziv, graduate of the Technion and one of the greatest researchers in the history of the Technion. In 2021, Prof. Ziv won the IEEE Medal of Honor for his vast and extensive work, for his extensive contribution to information theory and data compression, and for his outstanding research leadership
It is important to promote legislative policies and effective regulations aimed at solving the global plastic problem. Consumers should also be encouraged to choose sustainable products and producers should be required to produce environmental and recycled products. In addition, emphasis should be placed on
The exhibition: Jessica Meir, 'View from above' - an astronaut's impressions and reflections on our planet will be on display until May, admission is free