Hayadan > Archived April 5, 2021
April 5, 2021
- Nir Lahav
- 12 תגובות
Experiments show that we are very submissive when there is a social consensus and we will change our decisions according to this agreement, even if we know that the majority is wrong, that these tendencies are deeply ingrained in man. So is it even possible?
- Ben-Gurion University
- 3 תגובות
Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev are leading innovative research on understanding the molecular processes in the aging process and have found genes that can predict healthy aging and help prevent diseases
- Avi Blizovsky
- 2 תגובות
This is according to a study presented as part of an international expert workshop on behalf of the Israel Public Policy Institute (IPPI) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The discussion presented guiding principles for climate legislation in Israel, the key elements for effective legislation and what can be learned