Hayadan > Archived December 12, 2020
December 12st, 2020
- The Hebrew University
A new Israeli study succeeded for the first time in the world of medicine in developing a biodegradable marker for mammography screening. After a marker was developed from natural and well-known substances, an animal experiment was conducted, the results of which were promising - it was ruled out
- Dr.Roey Tsezana
Many theories have been proposed in the past - and are still being proposed - as a way to explain the phenomenon of aging. In recent years, a new theory has been added to them that explains aging. Seemingly, there is nothing new in this, but really
- Angle - a news agency for science and the environment
Prof. William Nordhaus, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics for 2018. Nordhaus was the first to create a quantitative model that describes the interrelationship between climate and the economy, and he tries to estimate in his works the expected economic price