Podcast: Introduction to Emergence and the Mesoscopic Space | The never-ending journey from the simple to the complex (chapter 1)

Podcast: Introduction to Emergence and the Mesoscopic Space | The never-ending journey from the simple to the complex (chapter 1)

Prof. Ron Lipshitz - School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University is a guest on Tel Aviv University's Tel Aviv 360 podcast

A special series of sketches dedicated to one of the most fascinating ideas - and phenomena - in nature and thought: becoming.

Becoming is everything. It is the process in which complexity arises from simplicity, and the parts come together to create a whole that is different from the sum of its parts. something happened

In the way that changed everything - and this is the formation. It is the special charm of nature, the wonder of life - and it happens everywhere, all the time.

In this series we will try to understand the mechanisms that drive creation in nature, in science and society and in human thought. We will discover how simple laws create complex patterns that shape the world around us - and us.

In today's episode. Dror Feuer Interviewed: Prof. Ron Lifshitz - School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University

We will discuss what genesis is and how basic physical principles allow complex systems to grow from simple parts. We will dive into the fascinating world of the mesoscopic space - the most fascinating space in nature in my eyes: the scale between the microscopic (like molecules and atoms) and the macroscopic (like objects that can be seen with the naked eye) - and discover how simple particles create complex properties and patterns. The definition of the concept of formation / principles of chaos theory and dynamic systems / the mesoscopic space. Examples: colloidal particles, complex materials and technological applications / formation of crystals and biological structures.

Introduction to genesis and the mesoscopic space The never-ending journey from the simple to the complex (chapter 1)

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