A new radical theory unites Einstein's theories of gravity with quantum mechanics

Two articles by University College London researchers have been published in Nature Communications and Physics Magazine in which the researchers offer an elegant way to reconcile the contradiction between the two theories, each of which affects on a different scale

The squeeze
The compression

Last Thursday, a radical theory was proposed that consistently unites the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics, while maintaining Einstein's classical concept of space-time. The theory was published in two papers published simultaneously by physicists from University College London (UCL).

The theory, known as "classical post-quantum gravity theory", modifies quantum theory and predicts an internal break in the ability to predict space-time itself. The result is random and violent fluctuations in space-time that are larger than those predicted under quantum theory, making the apparent weight of objects unpredictable if measured precisely enough.

A second article, published at the same time in Nature Communications and led by Professor Oppenheim's former students, examines some of the implications of the theory and proposes an experiment to test it: measure a mass with great precision to see if its weight appears to change over time.

Professor Oppenheim from the University of London said: "Quantum theory and Einstein's general theory of gravitation are mathematically incompatible with each other, so it is important to understand how to reconcile this contradiction. Should space-time be quantized, or should quantum theory be changed, or is it something else?" Completely? Now that we have a consistent fundamental theory where space-time is not measured, it's hard to guess what will happen."

Waller Davies, who as a PhD student at UCL helped develop the experimental proposal and made key contributions to the theory itself, said: "This discovery challenges our understanding of the fundamental behavior of gravity, but it also offers ways to explore its quantum potential."

"We showed that if space-time does not have a quantum nature, then there must be random fluctuations in the curvature of space-time that have a certain signature that can be measured experimentally."

"In both quantum gravity and classical gravity, space-time must undergo violent and random fluctuations around us, but on a scale that we have not yet been able to measure. But if space-time is classical, the fluctuations must be larger than a certain scale, and this scale can be determined in another experiment, where we test how long we can put a heavy atom into superposition so that it is in two different locations at the same time."

Dr. Carlo Spracheri and Dr. Barbara Shoda, whose analytical and numerical calculations helped start the project, expressed hope that these experiments could determine whether the search for a quantum theory of gravity is the right approach.

Dr Shuda said: "Since gravity manifests itself through the warping of space and time, we can think of the question in terms of: Is the rate of flow of time quantum or classical in nature? Such an experiment is almost as simple as an experiment to determine whether the weight of a mass is constant or variable.

Dr. Sparcheri said: "While the idea behind the experiment to prove the theory is simple. Weighing the bone should be done with extreme accuracy. But what excites me is that we started from very general assumptions, and proved a clear connection between two measurable quantities - the scale of the fluctuations in space-time, and how long objects like atoms or apples can be in superposition in two different positions at the same time. We can determine both of these quantities experimentally."

Waller-Davis added: "There must be a subtle interaction if quantum particles like atoms are able to warp classical space-time. There must be a fundamental trade-off between the wavy nature of atoms, and how large the random fluctuations in space-time need to be."

The proposal to test whether space-time is classical by looking for random fluctuations in mass complements another experimental proposal that aims to verify the quantum nature of space-time by looking for something called "Gravitationally Mediated Entanglement.

Professor Sugato Busa of University College London, who was not involved in the published research but was among those who first proposed the pairing experiment, said: "Experiments to test the nature of space-time require a great effort, but they are of enormous importance from the point of view of understanding the fundamental laws of nature . I believe these experiments are within reach. Such things are difficult to predict, but we may know the answer in the next 20 years."

Post-Quantum Theory Has Implications Beyond Gravity The problematic and controversial premise of "measurement" in quantum theory is unnecessary, since quantum superpositions are necessarily local through their interaction with classical spacetime.

The theory arose following or thanks to Professor Oppenheim's attempt to solve the black hole problem. According to standard quantum theory, an object that enters a black hole should radiate back in some way because information cannot be destroyed, but this contradicts Einstein's theory of general relativity, which states that it is never known what happened to objects that crossed the hole's event horizon the black The new theory allows the destruction of information, due to a fundamental break in the ability to predict.

quantum mechanics -

All matter in the universe obeys the laws of quantum theory, but we see quantum behavior clearly only on the order of atoms and molecules. Quantum theory tells us that particles obey Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and we can never know their position and momentum at the same time. In fact, they have no definite position or momentum until we measure them. Particles like electrons can behave more like waves and behave almost as if they can be in several places at once, physicists describe particles as being in a "superposition" of different locations).

Gravity - Newton's theory of gravity gave way to Einstein's theory of general relativity, which states that gravity is not a force in the usual sense. Instead, heavy objects like the Sun, warp the fabric of space-time in a way that causes the Earth to orbit it. Space-time is just a mathematical object consisting of the three dimensions of space, and time is considered as the fourth dimension. The theory of relativity predicted the formation of black holes and the big bang. It states that time flows at a different rate at different points in space, and the GPS on your smartphone needs to take this into account in order to correctly determine your location.

Historical context: The theory presented by Oppenheim in the main paper and in a companion paper with Spracheri, Shuda Waller-Davis, in which the most general consistent form of dynamics was proposed in which a quantum system corresponds with a classical system. Then she applies this theory to the case of general relativity coupled to quantum field theory. It is based on previous work and a community of physicists. The idea that gravity might be somehow related to the collapse of the wave function dates back to 1966 with F. Karolyhazy, 1987 with L. Diosi and 1996 with R. Penrose. The idea that classical-quantum distillation can explain the locality of the wave function has been put forward by others including M. Hall and M. Reginatto, Diosi and Tilloy, and David Poulin. The idea that spacetime might be classical dates back to the 1950s with I. Sato, and 1962 with C. Moller, but no consistent theory has been formulated so far.

Physics Magazine  

Nature Communications. paper: 10.1038/s41467-023-43348-2

26 תגובות

  1. It is not clear how this Torah is superior to the M theory (the strings, regardless of the Hebrew name), which already links quantum to relativity.

    According to Kaku in his latest book, there is nothing better right now. The question is how does the new one change...

    By the way, a clip on YouTube about the graviton raised the possibility that they are quantum black holes, if so - this is the explanation for the texture of the universe, which is entirely made up of such holes...

  2. Geometry and physics are sacred in the Asbar method

    Geometry is sacred because it tells man the secrets of the world, in a language that has no words.
    The geometry tells a person who likes geometry, that there are 3 consecutive quantitative things.

    What is a continuous quantitative thing? And in short, what is Dr
    Doctor is evident in that it has no beginning, and it has no end.
    If we simply choose a quantity that has a beginning and an end, we will always find that in reality there is a larger quantity than the chosen one, and also a smaller quantity than the chosen one.

    Therefore, any quantity chosen from DACr is a quantity that is always between zero and infinite quantity.

    The sacred geometry tells us that there are only 5 dchars in the world, 3 of which are found in geometry, and 2 in physics.

    Geometry immediately reveals its three principles, which are length, area, and volume.

    It took man many years to discover the 2 laws of physics, which are time and energy.

    And here the sacred numbers 2 3 5 were revealed to Adam

    The world is built from 3 dimensions of geometry, and 2 dimensions of physics, and together they are 5 dimensions

    Length, area, volume, time and energy.
    Time and energy are the principles of sacred physics,
    But the time of sacred physics is a different time from the time we all know.
    The time of sacred physics is a passive time that exists right in physical reality, while the time that man knows exists only in his consciousness, in his feeling, in his recognition.

    The passive time that connected with the energy created the material elements such as iron, nitrogen, carbon, gold,,,,
    The material elements are physical forms, and there is a clear similarity between geometric forms and physical forms.

    Sacred geometry and sacred physics created the stars of the universe, which always move in infinite space full of passive time and energy.

    Geometry tells a person that everything that exists in reality, is
    One, unique and special.
    It is a geometric story without words, and an infinite number of closed circular lines appear in it, whose diameter ranges from zero mm to infinity mm

    Each such closed circular line has a unique amount of length, and has a unique circular curvature shape.
    Each such closed circular line has a unique number.
    An infinite number of such unique numbers are in the narrow range of numbers, between 3.14 and 3.16

    Geometry tells a person that everything in nature is one, unique and special. Each person is unique and special
    Each tree is unique and special
    Each leaf of a tree is unique and special.
    Each branch is unique and special.

    Nature works by itself and upholds its inherent laws.
    The movement of the stars is eternal, and there is no point in asking when the stars were created? Such a question seeks an answer from man, but man's time does not exist in physical reality.

    This short story is told to us by sacred geometry and physics, which are the only exact sciences.
    Because they are built from the five elements, length, area, volume, time, and energy.

    DCRs are between zero and infinite quantity, and the handling of such quantities requires the greatest possible precision.

    Therefore, geometry and physics are the exact sciences.

    A. Asbar

  3. Man always had to choose - what is true and what is false, and this is a choice that is always in doubt.
    Is there gravity or no gravity?
    Is matter continuous or is it made up of particles of nothing.
    Is pi variable or is it constant
    Do the stars move in a straight path? And maybe in a closed round line route, and maybe in a Borgia route?
    Asbar's choices are obvious and well-known,
    and are even famous in the revolutionary book "The Magical Journey of Shekel Abar on the Wings of Natural Knowledge"


    As neurophysics replaced Newton's physics, so neurolinguistics replaced Chomsky's linguistics.

    Newton believed that there exists in physical reality an imaginary idea called gravity, and Chomsky believed that humans naturally create languages ​​with fixed syntax

    Newton misled the physicists for 300 years, and Chomsky misled the linguists for 80 years.

    Neurolinguistics is free and has no fixed syntax or certain grammar rules.
    Neurolinguistics is simple and self-explanatory, and it is based on a person's natural knowledge.

    Neurolinguistics develops in the identification of organs in the human body, which allow him to speak. (throat, mouth, tongue)

    Throat, mouth, and tongue are a natural piano of 22 notes

    A natural piano belongs to a person with natural knowledge

    The man with natural knowledge invented a language for himself based on the sounds produced by the natural piano.
    And this is how the process of creating a language is described.

    A silent person with natural knowledge touches a block of ice, and miraculously a clear natural knowledge comes to him.
    The silent person suddenly realized that he knew something.

    There is no way to describe this news because man has not yet invented words. And even though the words had not yet been invented, the person who touched a block of ice suddenly knew a wonderful and clear new knowledge.
    And here a miracle happened, and the silent man realized that he needed to give a name to this clear knowledge.

    This silent person is a person with a natural knowledge inherent in him, and he knew that his natural piano can provide sounds, which can be used as the name of
    The aforementioned natural knowledge.

    This silent man chose a short name, which derives from two notes of his natural piano, the sound of K and the sound of R

    And so it happened, that the combination of the two sounds (cold) became the name of a natural knowledge, which comes to man following contact with a block of ice.

    This is where the creation of human language begins, which is the language of names of natural information.
    All the conditions of creation are found in the silent person.
    Ingenuity is inherent in the silent person, natural knowledge is inherent in the silent person, and the natural piano is part of the silent person's body.

    Every person can learn a language of natural knowledge. This language requires the person who wants to learn to make an act of touching a block of ice, like the silent person,

    After that, the learner will recognize the two cold sounds of his natural piano, and then he will understand that this is the name of the natural knowledge that came to him, following contact with a block of ice.

    The name of natural knowledge is chosen arbitrarily,
    And any combination of sounds can correspond to this.

    The combination of sounds (cham) was chosen to be the name of a natural knowledge, which miraculously comes to the person approaching the fire.
    The combination of the sounds Hm was also chosen arbitrarily.

    This is how human language is created, based on natural knowledge that comes to them, following actions they do in reality.

    This language is the language of names of natural information,
    coming to humans following actual actions they do in physical reality.

    Touch and natural knowledge comes, smell and another natural knowledge comes, see and natural knowledge comes
    Otherwise, you taste and another natural knowledge comes, and more,

    Now it remains to choose sounds from the natural piano, like
    The sounds of Halak, or the sounds of Mechus, or the sounds of Metok, and these will be the names of the natural messages that came to humans, following the actions they did.

    This is how a human language is created, which is a language of names of natural information. Every word in the human language is
    The name of natural knowledge - following an action.

    It is impossible to create human language with the help of the sounds emanating from the throat, because the sounds are just noise.

    If the voices are names of natural information following an action in physical reality, then the language is created immediately, and it can be used.

    All linguists in the last 100 years have used the noise emanating from their throats to create human language.

    All these linguists have failed. And as a result of this failure, the Nesbari Law appeared saying:
    You cannot study a language through its words.

    Neurolinguistics began to create a human language, which is a language of names of natural information.
    The selection of names takes place with the help of the natural pianos of humans, which are capable of producing many sounds.
    Humans easily invented thousands of languages, because they
    They knew - that language is invented by actions, not by words.

    The linguists of the last 100 years did not know that language is invented by actions, and they spoke, and spoke,
    And they spoke, and made a noise from their throats - which remained a noise.

    Esbar's research began to explore language with the help of actions that bring a person natural knowledge, and he
    A stream of success...

    Neural linguistics, versus Chomsky's linguistics.

    Neurolinguistics is completely new, and it is completely different from Chomsky's linguistics.
    Chomsky's linguistics is based on words, which are scribbles of meaningless lines, so the failure of this linguistics is predictable.
    There is no possibility to understand doodles, with the help of other doodles, whose names are words.

    Neurolinguistics is based on actual actions
    that man does, and these actions bring man
    Miraculously, natural news.

    A person touching a block of ice receives a very clear natural knowledge, and the person gives it an arbitrary name.
    He achieves the arbitrary name with the help of his natural piano. capable of making many sounds.

    People already know the natural knowledge that the name of consists of the sound k and the sound r
    This whole process takes place with the help of natural intelligence.
    A robot touching a block of ice has no natural intelligence, and no natural knowledge. The robot has artificial intelligence, and it can measure the temperature of the contact, but it does not have a clear natural knowledge of the contact with a block of ice.
    A person has such clear natural knowledge.
    The robot - I don't know

    There is a profound difference between artificial and natural intelligence. Natural intelligence belongs to a person who obtains natural knowledge as a result of an act he does.

    Artificial intelligence is limited, and will never reach the natural intelligence of a human.

    There are many expectations from artificial intelligence, and neural linguistics lowered the level of expectations, to a simple mechanical level.

    Neurolinguistics is a song of praise for the knowledgeable person

    A. Asbar

  4. Neural linguistics, versus Chomsky's linguistics.

    Neurolinguistics is completely new, and it is completely different from Chomsky's linguistics.
    Chomsky's linguistics is based on words, which are scribbles of meaningless lines, so the failure of this linguistics is predictable.
    There is no possibility to understand doodles, with the help of other doodles, whose names are words.

    Neurolinguistics is based on actual actions
    that man does, and these actions bring man
    Miraculously, natural news.

    Neurolinguistics is based on a person's natural knowledge. Natural knowledge is a miraculous ability of man.

    A person touching a block of ice receives a very clear natural knowledge, and the person gives it an arbitrary name.
    He achieves the arbitrary name with the help of his natural piano. capable of making many sounds.

    People already know the natural knowledge that the name of consists of the sound k and the sound r
    This whole process takes place with the help of natural intelligence.
    A robot touching a block of ice has no natural intelligence, and no natural knowledge. The robot has artificial intelligence, and it can measure the temperature of the contact, but it does not have a clear natural knowledge of the contact with a block of ice.
    A person has such clear natural knowledge.
    The robot - I don't know

    There is a profound difference between artificial and natural intelligence. Natural intelligence belongs to a person who obtains natural knowledge as a result of an act he does.

    Artificial intelligence is limited, and will never reach the natural intelligence of a human.

    There are many expectations from artificial intelligence, and neural linguistics lowered the level of expectations, to a simple mechanical level.

    Neurolinguistics is brand new.

    A. Asbar

  5. Neurolinguistics

    As neurophysics replaced Newton's physics, so neurolinguistics replaced Chomsky's linguistics.

    Newton believed that there exists in physical reality an imaginary idea called gravity, and Chomsky believed that humans naturally create languages ​​with fixed syntax

    Newton misled the physicists for 300 years, and Chomsky misled the linguists for 80 years.

    Neurolinguistics is free and has no fixed syntax or certain grammar rules.
    Neurolinguistics is simple and self-explanatory, and it is based on a person's natural knowledge.

    Neurolinguistics develops in the identification of organs in the human body, which allow him to speak. (throat, mouth, tongue)

    Throat, mouth, and tongue are a natural piano of 22 notes

    A natural piano belongs to a person with natural knowledge

    The person with natural knowledge invented for himself a language based on 22 sounds, which the natural piano produces.
    And this is how the process of creating a language is described.

    A silent person with natural knowledge touches a block of ice, and miraculously a clear natural knowledge comes to him.

    The silent man decided to give a name to this clear natural knowledge, which came to him miraculously, following
    His hand touching a block of ice.

    This silent person is a person with a natural knowledge inherent in him, and he knew that his natural piano can provide sounds, which can be used as the name of
    The aforementioned natural knowledge.

    This silent man chose a short name, which derives from two notes of his natural piano, the sound of K and the sound of R

    And so it happened, that the combination of the two sounds (cold) became the name of a natural knowledge, which comes to man following contact with a block of ice.

    This is where the creation of human language begins, which is the language of names of natural information.

    All the conditions of creation are found in the silent person.
    Ingenuity is inherent in the silent person, natural knowledge is inherent in the silent person, and the natural piano is part of the silent person's body.
    Anyone can easily learn this language.
    This language requires the person who wants to learn to make an act of touching a block of ice, like the silent person,
    After that, the learner will come to the two cold sounds of his natural piano, and he will know that this is the name of the natural knowledge that came to him, following contact with a block of ice.

    The name of natural knowledge is chosen arbitrarily,
    And any combination of sounds can correspond to this.

    The combination of sounds (ham) was chosen to be the name of a natural knowledge that miraculously comes to the person approaching the fire. The combination of the sounds חם was also chosen just like that.

    This is how human language is created, based on natural knowledge that comes to humans, following actions they do in reality.

    The first language of humans is the language of names of natural information that comes to humans following an actual act they do. (touch, feel, smell, see, jump, taste, and more)

    Humans have natural pianos and natural knowing.
    That is why humans easily invented language.
    Language is invented in actions, not in words.
    This is the secret of human language on one foot, actions and natural knowledge, not syntax, not grammar, and not sweet potato.
    Expansion - in the publications of A. got upset

  6. An answer to being caught in the trap of words babbling babbling

    Throat, mouth, and tongue are a natural piano of 22 notes

    A natural piano belongs to a person with natural knowledge

    The person with natural knowledge invented for himself a language based on 22 sounds, which the natural piano produces.

    And this is how the process of creating a language is described.

    A person with natural knowledge touches a block of ice, and miraculously a clear natural knowledge comes to him.

    The person with natural knowledge decided to give a short name to this clear natural knowledge, which stems from two sounds
    of his natural piano. K sound and R sound

    And so it happened, that the combination of the two sounds (cold) became the name of a natural knowledge, which comes to man following contact with a block of ice.
    This is where the creation of human language begins, which is the language of names of natural information.

    Anyone can easily learn this language.
    This language obliges to do an act, which brings to the person doing the act - a clear natural knowledge.
    The name of natural knowledge is chosen arbitrarily,
    And any combination of sounds can correspond to this.

    The combination of sounds (Ker) which is supposed to be the name of a natural knowledge, was chosen arbitrarily, and in its place it was possible to choose any combination of sounds.

    The combination of sounds (ham) was chosen to be the name of a natural knowledge that miraculously comes to the person approaching the fire. This is how human language is created, based on natural knowledge that comes to humans, following actions they do in reality.

    The first language of humans is the language of names of natural information that comes to humans following an actual act they do. (touch, feel, smell, see, jump, taste, and more)

    Humans have natural pianos and natural knowing.
    That is why humans easily invented language.
    Language is invented in actions, not in words.

    This is the secret of human language on one foot, actions and natural knowledge, not syntax, not grammar, and not sweet potato.
    Expansion - in the publications of A. got upset

  7. A slightly more detailed answer for the common man.

    is nothing. Nada Gornish.

    Esbar's whole "theory" is a muddled mess. It is impossible to calculate anything without Galileo's and Newton's formulas.

    If you don't believe it, ask Asbar why the universe moves at 12c and relative to what, and see what nonsense you will get instead of an answer.

    Asbar is not related to science or technology but to psychology. Simply put, he is a sleepwalker who uses the site for free advertising for his rambling book.

  8. A simple man's answer
    Galileo already determined that if the time of fall is 2 times greater - the distance of fall will increase 4 times
    This is how the bodies fall to comply with the law of conservation of energy, and there is no need for gravity.
    With the rule of cylinders and accurate measurements of time and distance, your question can be answered.
    But that's not the main thing - the main thing is that Newton's gravity doesn't exist at all.

    If you have patience, read my detailed answer.

    The idea of ​​gravity was given to the world by Newton 330 years ago.
    Newton believed that there was a mysterious and wonderful force emanating from the depths of the earth, and that its whole function was to knock down objects that fell from our hands. Such a mysterious power brings the reader to the world of fairy tales, and the imagination gives this power the image of a friendly, invisible demon.
    Newton gave this demon the soothing name "gravitational force".

    Amazingly, Newton swept away many believers in the idea of ​​gravity, and so began a strange scientific investigation of physical reality, with the physics of demons and spirits.

    Why did Newton invent the delusional idea of ​​gravity.
    Newton did not know that objects that were handed out of our hands fall by themselves, and thus they fulfill a wonderful physical law of nature, which is the law of conservation of energy. This law of conservation was accepted in science only 170 years ago, and Newton obviously did not know about its existence.

    And since Newton did not know that objects fall by themselves, and did not know about the existence of the law of conservation of energy, he invented the idea of ​​gravity. This crazy idea lasted 160 years in all official physics curricula, creating a scientific quagmire
    Thick and cloudy, which prevented any possibility of getting to know the true structure of the universe.

    Newton's murky scientific quagmire was canceled out by physical reality that revealed to the world the existence of a miraculous quantitative law, which is the conservation of energy.

    How the law of conservation of energy, eliminates the concept of gravity.
    To lift a large stone off the ground to a height of 1 meter, you have to exert yourself and get tired, and this amount of fatigue represents an amount of energy.
    If we release this stone from a height of 1 meter, it will fall down by itself with increasing speed, and its impact will hit the ground. Show exactly the same amount of energy that was needed to lift the stone to a height of 1 meter.

    Physical reality is miraculous and works by itself, and it is she who taught scientists about the existence of an important physical law of nature - the law of conservation of energy.

    There are many types of energy, and they can replace each other, according to the law of conservation of quantity. Physical reality works by itself, according to miraculous laws inherent in it, and curious researchers of physical reality began to discover these laws.
    The law of conservation of energy that was discovered 170 years ago completely cancels out Newton's physics that requires gravity - and it proves that objects that are separated from our hands - fall by themselves, and there is no mysterious demon in physical reality that knocks them down..

    And what turns out? For 170 years, Newton's physics has been taught in universities, and not a single teacher stood up and shouted "there is no gravity, and Newton's physics is incorrect"
    It should be emphasized that Newton did not know that his physics was incorrect, but already 170 years ago, the physics teachers knew about the existence of the law of conservation of energy which eliminates the idea of ​​gravity, but they were afraid of the believers in the idea of ​​gravity, and did not tell this to their students.

    These 170 miserable years of fear produced terrible errors in the concept of matter and the structure of the universe, and the concepts of dark particle matter and dark energy testify to this.

    Now the era of the collapse of conceptions has arrived, and it is time to move to a different physics, based on miraculous laws inherent in physical reality. This is the real physics, and it appears in a revolutionary book - which bears the name - "Esbar's magical journey on the wings of natural knowledge"

    This book conflicts with all the physical teachings developed in the last 150 years, and it presents to the world a new physics, and also a new geometry of circles.
    In the new physics, matter is continuous and has no gravity, and the stars of the universe move in spiral orbits in space filled with passive time.

    Passive time is a new type of time that exists right in physical reality, when the time we all know exists only in the human mind, and it disappears the moment you think about it.
    Therefore the proper name for it is active time.

    A. Asbar

  9. The scientific physicists who came up with the idea of ​​unifying Newton's theory of gravity with the theory of quantum theory - did not notice that they were not physical theories at all.

    A physical theory is supposed to deal with two "continuous quantitative things"
    (Dakrim for short) and they are time and energy.

    Any quantity chosen from a scalar, there is always one greater than it, and one less than it.
    Any quantity selected from DKR is always between zero quantity and infinity.

    There are only 5 dchars in the world, and the other three are in the geometric field - they are length, area, and volume.

    First, it should be noted that Newton's theory of gravity is not a physical theory, because the concept of energy does not appear in it. The concept of energy was discovered many years after Newton.

    In quantum theory, the concept of energy does appear, but this theory is also not a physical theory, because it does not appear in real, continuous matter.

    It can definitely be stated that until now science does not have a physical theory.
    Newton's theory is a tangible story.
    Quantum theory is an imaginary story.

    The real story appears in Esbar's book, when the 5 Dachars present the exact sciences, geometry and physics.

    A. Asbar

  10. Avi Blizovsky

    Asbar's long, exhausting and obsessive comments that repeat themselves like a broken record regardless of the article

    They drown out the other comments and make you want to visit the site.

    Filter and filter please

  11. On the basis of your Torah, A. Asbar, do you know how to calculate something, for example how long does it take for a dumbbell to fall from a height of one meter? Look at the calculation, the model it is based on, and note that you cannot use Newton's equations of motion.

  12. The topic is fascinating. A combination of the two most successful and accurate theories in physics, the theory of relativity and the quantum theory, which must coalesce, but to this day, despite countless physicists and research groups who have dedicated their lives to the subject, no one has been able to bridge the gaps between the two theories.
    I would be happy for more details about the idea behind the research and how it succeeds in bridging the teachings. The article was more concerned with the ability to perform an experiment that would confirm the idea, but it is not clear how the new theory manages to bridge the teachings whose foundations are fundamentally different.

  13. There is a "bad" conception in the science of physics that obliges researchers to trust Newton, Einstein, and quantum theory.
    Esbar did not trust them, and he published the book "Esbar's Magical Journey on the Wings of Natural Knowledge
    In this book appears a new geometry, a new physics, and a new structure of the universe.

    A. Asbar

  14. Aetzbar, you've been blown away. Too many divinities played in your head. If you believe then believe and don't try to prove. If you have a problem with your faith, go to some shanty in the desert, shut your mouth for a week and come back with your own conclusions. A problem with faith manifests itself in preaching to others and crazy texts.

  15. All the physical theories that tried to crack the secrets of physical creation - failed.
    Newton's theory failed, because matter has no gravity.
    The theory that claims that matter is made of tiny particles of nothing has also failed
    Einstein's theory also failed, because it rests on Newton, and on active time that exists only in man's imagination.

    The physical theories failed, because they did not recognize the limitation that prevents man from knowing the secret of physical creation.
    Esbar's theory does recognize this limitation, therefore it relies on initial ideas of creation.
    On the basis of these ideas, a precise scientific investigation develops.

    Parashat Beresheit of physics and geometry

    In the beginning, God created
    the infinite geometric emptiness.

    Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of length.
    Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of space.
    Geometric emptiness had an infinite amount of volume.

    The imagination filled the geometric emptiness with geometric shapes such as a circle, triangle, square, etc.

    The shape of the circle is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.

    The shape of the triangle was created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.

    The square shape is created from a certain amount of closed length, containing a certain amount of area.

    Quantity is the name of important natural knowledge.

    Length is a completely different quantitative thing than surface, and adding quantities of "two other things" creates a shape.
    And so many geometric shapes were created, by the method of
    Combinations of quantities where a certain amount of closed length contained a certain amount of area.
    And God will see that the infinite geometric emptiness contains only geometric shapes, and will fill the emptiness with a passive time that does not move from its place, and is completely at rest.
    Absolute resting passive time already presents a physical creation, which joins the geometric creation.
    The passive time, occupied an infinite geometric volume.

    And God will turn passive time into absolute cold, and this is how the limit of cold in the world is determined.

    And the passive time was absolute rest and absolute cold, and it occupied an infinite geometric volume.
    And God said - the deed we have done is good.

    And God saw the lonely and sad state of the passive time that is on the border of the cold, and added to it the joyful, multi-faceted quantitative energy.

    And God will drown in the cheerful quantum energy a physical law that says:
    Many appearances will the cheerful quantum energy have, but the ever-changing quantity will be preserved.

    And God saw that the joyful quantitative energy does change its appearances, while being careful to preserve the changing quantity - and said that this is good until very much..

    After these things, God commanded the passive time and energy to create together the substance that appears in many physical forms, such as gold, iron, carbon, hydrogen, and more.
    And the passive time and energy did as God commanded.
    A quantity of passive time was combined with a quantity of joyful energy, and from this particular combination of quantities, a physical form of gold was created.

    And once again, a quantity of passive time was combined with a quantity of joyful energy, and from this new combination of quantities, a physical form of iron was created.

    And once again, a quantity of passive time was combined with a quantity of joyful energy, and from this new combination of quantities, a physical form of carbon was created.

    And so the passive time and the joyful energy created many and varied physical forms, and many types of matter filled the geometric space.
    From these types of materials, the stars were formed.

    This is how the geometric space, full of passive time and energy, became the place of creation of stars that stand still and do not move.

    Then God commanded the stars to move, only in a screw-shaped orbit, which has 3 data.
    The diameter of the screw track,
    Advancement angle of the track.
    And the stars began to move as expected.
    They did not move in an open straight line path, nor in a closed circular path.

    Each planet moves in a Borgi orbit that has three data unique only to it - a unique diameter, a unique advancement angle, and a unique speed in a Borgi orbit...

    This form of orbit connected all the stars in the world
    For a wonderful movement unit in the shape of a discus.

    And God commanded this wonderful unit of movement, in which all the stars of the world are located - to move in a straight line.
    This wondrous movement unit was named a universe.

    The universe moves forever in a straight line, in an infinite space full of passive time and energy, when the stars in it move in spiral orbits -

    The speed of the universe in a straight line is absolute, and only an observer at absolute rest can notice it. (C12 estimated value)

    Man is always moving, because he lives on the surface of a planet.
    All the stars of the universe are always moving, and Noah's star does not exist.

    Therefore, man will never be in a state of absolute rest, and is unable to discern the absolute speed of the universe,
    which takes place in an infinite geometric space, full of passive time and energy.
    This infinite space is the place where stars are formed, and it is also the place where they disintegrate.
    When a star disintegrates, it gives up its passive time and its energy to the infinite space.

    The number of stars in the universe is finite but not fixed.
    Stars are always being formed, and they are always being destroyed.

    And man has not yet been created.
    The active time has not yet been created either,
    Only the passive time and the joyful energy were created, and they create the material of the stars..

    Light was also created, as waves of passive time,
    Waves of passive time move in the absolute rest and absolute cold of passive time, filling infinite space.

    Sunlight is waves of passive time, moving in an infinite space full of passive time, which is completely still and completely cold.

    There is no void in the world, and it is full of passive time and energy.

    And man had not yet been created, and had not yet spoken,
    When man was created, he received natural knowledge from the Creator.
    With this natural knowledge man invented language.
    When an ancient man approached a campfire, a natural knowledge miraculously reached him, and he gave it a name.
    The name chosen by the ancient man was completely arbitrary and consists of the combination of the letters חמ

    This is the secret of human language - which is the language of names.
    After an act that brings a person natural knowledge, a combination of letters is chosen to be the name of the natural knowledge.

    The ancient man knew this secret when he did an act and approached a fire, and then a knowledge of nature came to him, which received the name ... Ham.

    And since humans did not know the secret of words, they were caught in the trap of words, which turns every word into noise.
    The noise of words does not convey to a person any natural knowledge,
    And so he remains in a state of ignorance.

    Man is caught in the trap of words, and has never been able to free himself from it. The word trap is clearly shown with the help of the combination of the letters time.

    It is impossible to answer the question, what is the combination of the letters time, with the help of other combinations of letters.
    It is possible to answer this question, with the help of an act that brings natural knowledge to the doer.
    Time is the name of a natural knowledge that comes to man when he listens to his heartbeat.
    The person listening to his heartbeat detects the amount of "something" between every two beats, and for this something an arbitrary name is chosen consisting of the letters Z
    This time... is active time.

    There are two types of time, the passive time that actually exists in physical reality, and there is the active time that man invented, and it only exists in his imagination.
    Active time disappears as soon as you think about it.

    The man who was created on a planet is the one who invented the active time. Has the words past, present, future.
    Past and future are in man's imagination, when
    In physical reality there is only the present.

    Man, who was created on a planet in eternal motion, was caught in the trap of words, and was never able to free himself from it. Man loves the trap of words because it contains love and hope, anger and jealousy, and the escape hatches to the lie, to the truth, and to free imagination. With the trap of words man entered heaven, and the trap of words expelled him from there.
    The trap of words always works, and since then man has been looking for a new good language, and he has not yet found it.
    And since a new language has not yet been found, there is doubt whether everything written in this article will be understood.
    A. Asbar

  16. The transition from the probabilistic quantum theory to Einstein's mathematical theory of gravity is like the transformation of chaos into the orderly world as the act of creation.

  17. And the earth was confused and confused. Einstein said that God does not play with dice and developed the mathematical and orderly theory of gravity. The transition from the random quantum theory and especially the post to the theory of gravitation with mathematical order is really an act of creation that creates order out of disorder.

  18. What if 'gravity' is not a 'force' but a space that represents the possible locations (statistically) of the presence of the mass? That is, gravity is an expression of superposition of a heavy bone?

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