Reminder: on Friday morning there will be a full moon eclipse

On the night between May 15 and 16, millions of people will witness a full and long lunar eclipse * In Israel we will only be able to witness its beginning before the moon sets

Avi Blizovsky

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At five past five the shadow of the earth will begin to bite the moon

By Eran Ofek

Space / Early tomorrow morning a partial lunar eclipse will be visible from Israel

Lunar eclipse, January 2000. The number of eclipses per year can range from 0 to 3

Early tomorrow morning, at 05:05, it will be possible to see the beginning of a lunar eclipse from Israel.

A lunar eclipse is the phenomenon that occurs when the moon enters the shadow of the earth. The moon and the earth do not illuminate themselves but are illuminated by the sun. Therefore, when the moon enters the shadow of the earth, that is, when the three bodies are on one straight line (sun-earth-moon) - the moon disappears.

According to this explanation, a lunar eclipse should be expected to occur once a month, but this is not the case. The moon orbits the earth in an orbit whose inclination is about 5 degrees relative to the plane on which the earth orbits the sun. Therefore, not every month are the three bodies on one straight line.

Each year, on average, about two lunar eclipses can be seen from Earth; The number of eclipses per year can range from 0 to 3. Only an observer whose location the moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse will be able to see the eclipse. Therefore, from a certain point on Earth, for example from Israel, you can see on average only about half of all the defects.

Tomorrow, at five o'clock in the morning Israel time, whoever watches the western horizon will be able to see the shadow of the earth beginning to bite into the moonlight. At 05:50 the moon will set and it will not be possible to see the rest of the eclipse from Israel.
The best way to see the lunar eclipse is with the naked eye, or at most with field binoculars. No need for a telescope. The next times a total lunar eclipse will be visible from Israel will be on November 10, 2003 and May 4, 2004.

A white eclipse is expected this coming Thursday night

A total white eclipse will be visible from most parts of the Earth on the night between Thursday and Friday of this week. The best place to view the eclipse will be in South America and the eastern part of North America, where the eclipse will last for five hours. In Israel, the eclipse will be visible near the time of moonset, around 4:40 a.m. on Friday, as in most of Europe and Africa.

A white eclipse is the name for the astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the sun, the earth and the moon are in one line, with the earth standing in the middle. The sunlight does not reach the moon, it is "shadowed" for a while, and during this period of time, in the absence of another light source, it cannot be seen.

Astronomers this week suggest that those interested in the eclipse pay special attention to the color of the Moon, as it approaches the Earth's shadow. At this point, the only light reaching the moon is light filtered by the Earth's atmosphere. This effect gives the moon an unusual red hue for a short time.

A total lunar eclipse on the night between May 15 and 16
Avi Blizovsky

If the weather is clear, viewers in the Americas, Europe and Africa will be able to watch a full and long lunar eclipse on the night between May 15 and 16.
Unlike a total solar eclipse, which requires viewers to travel long distances to be in the path of the eclipse, a lunar eclipse is visible from the entire hemisphere facing it. The journey of the moon through the shadow of the earth is therefore visible wherever the moon is above the horizon at that time.
The eclipse will be visible from large parts of North America, all of South America, Central and Eastern Europe and most of Africa except for its eastern parts. The Middle East is therefore not included in the route along which 2 billion people live.

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