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Both conjoined twins died after the separation surgery

The two, Laden and Lala Bijani, lost a lot of blood during the complicated operation; One of them died at the end of the operation, and the other shortly after; Pressure in their brains forced the doctors to slow down the surgical procedures tonight

A compilation from various sources

The Siamese twins. An operation that lasted about 50 hours.

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The Raffles Hospital in Singapore announced that Lala and Laden Bijani, the conjoined twins whose operation to separate them was completed this morning, died as a result of losing a large amount of blood during the operation. Earlier, the hospital announced that the operation to separate them was over, but that the two twins were in critical condition. Laden died immediately after the operation, and Lala died shortly after.

This morning, an unprecedented operation that lasted about 50 hours to separate the Siamese twins ended. During the night, the operation to separate their heads was almost stopped, due to increasing pressure in their brains. The pressure forced the doctors to significantly slow down the procedures for separating the brains.

Although the brains are separate, they lived next to each other for 29 years and almost became infected with each other," explained the hospital's spokesperson. "In the process of separating the brains, you cannot simply tear one brain from the other." According to him, the doctors cut the tissues connecting the brains millimeter by millimeter, which caused a delay of 10 hours in the progress of the operation compared to the original schedule.

28 doctors and 100 nurses participated in the medical procedure, some of whom came to Singapore specifically for the operation. The separation of the 29-year-old twins is considered a medical precedent, as a similar operation has never been performed on adult twins.
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