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Ten million transistors inside a pin head

Researchers have invented an organic electronic component, which is made of a single molecule

Tamara Traubman

Photo: IP
The inventors of the new transistor, Dr. Zhennan Bao and Dr. Hendrik Schoen (left), in their laboratory in New Jersey

In 1974, scientists from Bell Laboratories in the United States invented the transistor
The first, which was the size of a ping pong ball. A transistor is a component
An electron that creates electric currents, amplifies them and controls them. Today
A team of scientists from Bell Laboratories will report on the development of a transistor that can
from one molecule. “This transistor is small enough to fit about 10
A million transistors fit into the head of a pin," said the head of the team
The development, physicist Dr. Jan Hendrik Schoen, in a telephone interview.

Dr. Greg Tseng, an expert in the field from Stanford University in California,
Defined the development of "unusual invention". Vice President Bell, Federico
Capasso, sounded even more enthusiastic: "It may become a cornerstone of
A new era," he said.
Sean's team used derivatives of carbon, hydrogen and sulfur molecules.
"The solution is poured over sheets of electrodes made of gold",
Shawn explained, "and the molecules form themselves into a transistor."

Scientists predict that by the next decade silicon transistors will arrive,
which forms the basis of today's computers, to the limit of miniaturization
their. According to experts, transistors that will be based on materials
Organics will be able to break through beyond this miniaturized boundary. theoretically possible
They will also be combined with paper, clothes and any other surface. "It allows us to think
on flexible electronics, something that cannot be done with silicon", says Dr

"I think that the field of nanoelectronics is beginning to threaten to overturn the law
Moore is no more than a footnote," said Dr. Shawn. Moore's Law is named after him
One of the founders of Intel, the physicist Gordon Moore, who predicted that quant
The information that can be compressed in silicon will approximately double

A report on the transistor development process and its properties will be published today in writing
The scientific period." "Science was also partnered in the development by chemists Zhennan Bao
and Hong Meng, also from Bell Labs. Each transistor is smaller, so it is
Usually translates to a faster device in the end. intel,
and other chipmakers, cramming millions of transistors into
A microprocessor to power computers, but the methods used to build them
precious According to Shawn, the molecular transistor is cheap and can be manufactured
In a normal laboratory, instead of the clean rooms used by industry today
the chips

The transistor, which Shawn calls "the ultimate miniaturization frontier", should
go through a few more years of testing and improvements, before they can integrate it
in products. Sean and his colleagues are still required to decipher how it works. "we
We need to better understand what happens on such small scales", says Shawn.

The field of developing components based on organic molecules is progressing rapidly
Fast, and recently some important breakthroughs have been achieved in it, including development
Earlier by Shawn and his colleagues - a transistor made of a cluster of molecules - as well
The achievement of IBM scientists, who announced in August that they had created a logic circuit
made of a coil of carbon molecules.

However, it doesn't look like the end of silicon is near. "Researchers have invested
In silicon too much to see it replaced by its cousins
The molecular ones in the near future", reassures Dr. Tseng.

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