Blood transfusion for old stars

The "Hubble" space telescope provided amazing images of the "mouse system" in the depths of space

Dr. Noah Brosh

The new images from the "Twilight Zone" taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, highlight the advantage achieved in the renovation of an old research tool that is accessible from Earth.

The counter of the system of two galaxies known as "the mice", for example, points to an interesting phenomenon of transferring matter from one galaxy to another - and from this system as a whole, into space.

The transfer of matter "refreshes" an entire galaxy, or provides raw material for the formation of a new galaxy. The knowledge about these phenomena, which have been studied theoretically and from the analysis of ground images or taken in space - will now be much deeper, thanks to the new images, and those that will follow them.

The space telescope orbits the Earth at an altitude of about 500 km. The four images provided by the American Institute "controlling" its performance are amazing. They show various cosmic objects in unique configurations. The image of the "Mice" system - the two galaxies colliding with each other - is particularly striking. This star system is about 400 million light-years away from us, a theoretical calculation suggested that we see it about 160 million years after them were at the closest distance between them.

Galaxies are a collection of stars and interstellar matter (gas and dust), held together as a unit separate from the rest of the universe, due to self-gravitation. If, as in the case of the "mice", an external body disturbs the equilibrium of the galaxy, parts of it will be torn and new bodies will be formed.

For example: some of the stars, gas and dust, torn from the galaxy and thrown into space, can connect, under the influence of self-gravity, and form a new galaxy. Another possibility: the material detached from one galaxy - will attach to another.

Our Milky Way is "swallowing" a dwarf galaxy right now. Signs of this are obtained in the studies of the stars visible in the southern half of the sky. The attached material is rich in gas and dust. If the galaxy it falls on is made up of only "old" stars, they will be formed this way
new stars This is the way for an "old" galaxy to regenerate - thanks to "infusion".
young and fresh) of raw material" - to create new stars, that galaxy is "old"

One of the greatest contributions to science that the new camera in "Hubble" will provide will be in the study of "gravitational decay". According to the theory of general relativity, light rays are supposed to change their paths when they pass through an area in the universe where there is a large concentration of mass (strong gravity). In special areas, near clusters rich in galaxies, you can find concentrations of strong gravity that will cause the light rays from the distant galaxies to bend, in the background of the galaxy cluster.

The light of the background self then arranges itself in a series of arcs. Each one is an enlarged and distorted figure
of the background galaxy.

An example of this, in another photograph (bottom right). From the analysis of the many arcs it is possible to calculate the amount of raw material that causes the force of gravity.
But what is interesting here is that the measurement points to the existence of dark matter. If you assume
For the cluster galaxies, the same ratio of mass to luminosity as our sun - you get only about a quarter percent of the total mass, which causes the light rays to bend.

The conclusion: the new camera of the space telescope may provide a better understanding precisely about the material that does not shine!

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