A huge storm in a very active galaxy

Jets of gas are ejected from a black hole

Avi Blizovsky

Last week, an international team of astronomers presented the most detailed views of a central region of an active galaxy, far from Earth, where a huge storm is taking place in which huge amounts of jets of energy and matter are ejected into space.

This galaxy is cataloged 3C120 and contains a supermassive black hole at its center.
From it, jets of gas are shot into space in opposite directions - one of them is aimed directly at a ball
Country. As it approaches us, this jet of gas gets more thrust and brightens.

The phenomenon is considered very strange, so much so that the researchers even claimed that there is an optical illusion here, as if its speed is supposedly greater than the speed of light.

The observations of the inner regions of the gas jet showed the existence of moving gas clouds
out of the galaxy and become brighter - and then fade, as they cross regions of them
Strong magnetic fields envelop the galaxy.

The observations of the phenomenon were made simultaneously from several radio telescopes around the globe, among them in Granada, Spain and St. Petersburg in Russia. The synthesis of the observations and the mirrors and their unification, simulated a situation where the unified radio telescope was the size of the entire planet. The series of observations lasted 16 months.
The research will allow scientists to better understand the way gas jets are formed and the structure of galaxies
the activity


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