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Science: Despite everything, it is still not possible to clone a person

After years of research and contrary to the statements of the Haralim sect, it becomes clear: the method by which sheep, mice and cows are cloned - is not suitable for humans and monkeys

Avi Blizovsky

Something goes wrong when the cell divides. Science.

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After six years of research it becomes clear: it is probably impossible to clone humans using the existing technology, because there are still too many obstacles, even at the molecular level, that cannot be overcome.

In a statement published by a team of American researchers, headed by Dr. Gerald Skatten from the University of Pittsburgh, it was stated that "already at the most initial stage of cell division and differentiation in monkey cloning, malfunctions arise."

Despite the successes in cloning sheep (Dolly recently died of premature old age), mice, rabbits, cows and goats, it seems that the current cloning technology is not suitable for cloning great apes and therefore not humans either.

In a report to the scientific journal Science, it was stated that the impression received from the failures is that "some disappearing hand (Mother Nature) drew a sharp and clear line between the animals, so as not to allow the cloning of great apes forever. Cloning monkeys and humans probably requires a different technique."

The announcement was also made in light of the claims of the Clonide company which presents itself as a factor in the field of biotechnology and which was founded by the Haralim sect. The movement claims that its people have cloned several babies, the first of which was born in September. To date, no real evidence has been presented that there is truth in these messages.

The scientist of human cloning
For news on this topic at the BBC

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