The European Space Agency photographed the traffic jam in the Gulf of Suez due to the stranded ship

The giant container ship stuck in Egypt's Suez Canal is seen in new images taken by the European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission

Image based on processing of radar data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites (2021), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
Image based on processing of radar data from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites (2021), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

The giant container ship stuck in the Suez Canal in Egypt is seen in new images taken by the European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission.

The Ever Given, ספינת מכולות השווה באורכה לגובהו של בניין האמפייר סטייט, עלתה על שרטון בתעלה המצרית לאחר שנלכדה בסופת חול מלווה ברוחות שגרמה לראות נמוכה ולניווט גרוע. האירוע התרחש ב- 23 במרץ בנסיעתה מסין להולנד. התמונה משמאל, שצולמה ב- 21 במרץ, מציגה תנועה ימית שגרתית בתעלה עם ספינות במרווחים של 2 עד 3 ק"מ בתעלה.. התמונה מימין, שצולמה ב- 25 במרץ, מציגה את הספינה שאורכה 400 מ החוסמת את התעלה.

The Suez Canal connects Port Said on the Mediterranean coast to the Indian Ocean through the Egyptian city of Suez and the Red Sea. The blockade is delaying hundreds of tankers and ships from reaching their destination, and maritime traffic is still accumulating and many ships are waiting in the Gulf of Suez.

Tugboats are trying to dislodge the 200,000-ton ship, with the help of two excavators, nine tugboats and four bulldozers on the bank of the canal. The goal is to remove from the canal bank between 15,000 and 20,000 cubic meters of sand to reach a depth of 12 to 16 meters and thus free the ship.

שני לווייני קופרניקוס סנטינל -1 הזהים נושאים מכשירי מכ"ם כדי לספק תצלומים על פני כדור הארץ בכל מזג האוויר, ביום ובלילה, מה שהופך אותם לאידיאלי לפקח על תנועת הספינות.

פני הים משקפים את אות המכ"ם הרחק מהלוויין, וגורמים למים להיראות כהים בתמונה. זאת בניגוד לעצמי מתכת, במקרה זה הספינות במפרץ, שנראות כנקודות בהירות במים החשוכים.

The damage caused amounts to billions of dollars a day, and has affected the prices of many goods, it is possible that some of the stranded ships, at least those that are located in Western Europe, will have to be towed around Africa.

More on the subject on the science website:


  1. Actually the decision seems quite simple
    1. Time until you reach the traffic jam
    2. הערכה אופטימית/פסימית ע"י מידע ישיר לממנהלי הארוע
    3. Sailing time around Africa
    4. Mediation on operational problems, fuel, eating, pooping, peeing.
    5. The coffee or gift increases that are passed on to the consumer without blinking an eye.
    6. And six to pass the time until the cork opens if you are waiting.
    7. Solve a second order differential equation
    And that's you have a refined decision

    For exchange !!!!!
    Israel will be able to build a canal from Eilat to Ashdod
    No doubt a one-time investment of millions.
    And breaks the market of Egyptians and shares with them half of all the profits
    And make Israel a writer of its own. Another income for the country that will always have a demand.
    Because we have already completely finished the Dead Sea.

  2. I understand. My suggestion is that Anonymous delete Wiz from his phone, since he doesn't need something to prevent him from getting stuck in traffic before he actually gets to him.

  3. I would like to follow the decision-making process of the shipping companies - when and under what conditions the token falls to them (if at all) that it is better to go around Africa to reach the destination.

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