Mars Odyssey first discovered evidence of water in the south pole of Mars about a year ago* American and Russian scientists reported in Science that they found about a third more water in the north pole region than the amount discovered so far in the south pole
Avi Blizovsky
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The north pole of Mars is full of frozen water. A new discovery shows that the North Pole has at least the same amount of water as that found in the South Pole, raising hopes of finding traces of microscopic life in the past.
The ice is just below the surface of the planet, claims Bill Boynton of the University of Arizona, a member of the joint American-Russian team of scientists who made the discovery.
In fact they discovered hydrogen, one of the components of the water molecule but they discovered so much hydrogen and the only way it can stay on Mars is by being part of water molecules and not free. "Such a quantity of hydrogen can only be preserved in the form of water." said. According to him, the amount of water sometimes reaches 80-90 percent of the mass of the rock. The ice is uniformly distributed throughout the North Pole area. He said.
"It will be necessary to dig up to 30 centimeters and find the water." Boynton said.
This is good news for those who believe that microscopic life developed on Mars like on Earth. If Mars was hot and humid at one point in time, as many astronomers believe, the current distribution of water may indicate large areas where conditions were once favorable for life.
The team's findings were published in the journal Science, and for the purpose of the study, photographs taken by the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey spacecraft were used - both still orbiting Mars.
Mars Odyssey first discovered evidence of water in the south pole of Mars about a year ago the scientists found about a third more water in the north pole area compared to the amount discovered so far in the south pole.
A European spacecraft and an American spacecraft are already making their way to Mars, and on Saturday, today (or tomorrow - Sunday) they are also supposed to be joined by a second American spacecraft carrying a robot that will be able to move independently and explore Mars. Unfortunately for the researchers, all the spacecraft will land in low latitudes and not at the poles.
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