Supercomputer to simulate colliding "black holes"

Two computer clusters in this system will enable a deep computing capacity, the likes of which has never been seen before: two trillion operations in one second.

The world's fastest supercomputer running on the Linux operating system will be installed by IBM at the American National Computer Science Center (NCSA) to assist there in research dealing with black holes, the theory of quanats, the nature of gravitational waves in the universe, solving problems in hydrodynamics in XNUMXD and for the very complex simulations required, for example , for engineering planning (such as predicting air flows around an airplane wing, in supersonic flight).

Two computer clusters in this system will enable a deep computing capacity, the likes of which has never been seen before: two trillion operations in one second.

Both clusters will have more than 600 servers from IBM's new xSeries series, which will be connected by a fast switching network. The first server will be activated next month. Each server cluster will have two Pentium-3 processors with a speed of one thousand megahertz (and the "Linux Red Hat" operating system). The second will be installed during the summer, and it will already be one of the first in the world to use Intel's revolutionary Itanium processor (64 bits). It runs on Turbo-Linux.

One of the most prominent requirements that the scientists presented to the designers of the supercomputer: the possibility to perform a computer analysis of an event such as the collision of black holes and other violent space events. Albert Einstein claimed in his theory of relativity that in a violent collision of this kind, signals are created which he called gravitational waves. The astrophysicists hope that with the help of the supercomputer, they will be able to locate and track them for the first time.

In the field of quantum chromodynamics, scientists will try to use the computer to perform simulations of the strong force, which binds the quarks to protons and neutrons - the basic subatomic particles that make up the nucleus of the atom. The research on this subject will provide a better understanding of the nature of the building blocks of matter in the universe, and its origin. Such a simulation is done in a four-dimensional system called a "lattice" (lattice) that allows displaying the three dimensions of space (length, width, height) as well as the dimension of time.

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