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Research: DNA detection using a single cell

Australian scientist: The new technique is fast, and allows for a high level of precision

Australian scientists announced yesterday (Tuesday, 29/10) that they were able to identify human DNA using a single cell.

At a press conference, held today in Australia, Ian Findlay, from the Genome Research Institute at the University of Queensland, said that his new experimental technique will allow the same level of accuracy as that which exists today, but which is based on 200-500 cells.

Findlay pointed out that the advantage of the new technique over the existing techniques today is its efficiency and its ability to examine thousands of cells every day. According to him, the ability to identify DNA based on a single cell has the potential to solve unsolved crimes, or on the other hand, to acquit the innocent.

The technique could help such police activity since a sheet of paper bearing a cell is enough
Only one, to enable certain identification of a person. "We were able to isolate a skin cell from a 30-year-old document and extract a fingerprint from it. This is because evidence based on DNA can be preserved without any flaw for tens or even hundreds of years," said Findlay, who was named Scientist of the Year in '98 by the "European Society of Human Genetics". At the same time, he claimed that the completion of the research until the use of the new technology may take 3-5 years.

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