Scientists at IBM laboratories in New York have built the world's smallest "flashlight" (light switch): a solid chip that produces light signals.
Avi Blizovsky
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This technological breakthrough, which is in the experimental and development stages, illustrates the rapid progress in understanding the operation of devices operating at the molecular level. The system is the first demonstration of its kind for the unique possibilities of using nanotubes (nanotubes) built as a single molecule from a series of carbon rings, in applications in the field of optoelectronics - which is the basis for the high-speed communication industry.
Carbon-based nanotubes are 50,000 times thinner than an average human hair.
The research was done as part of the scientists' efforts to find a replacement for the usual silicon chips, which according to the common opinion, within 10-15 years it will be very difficult to continue to improve their performance.
The reliance on a single molecule - a tube with several rings of carbon atoms - is what makes it possible to reach the smallest dimensions of the light switch. Proving this ability is a significant step on the way to understanding the mode of electrical conduction and the opto-electronic properties of carbon nanotubes. The development is expected to accelerate work in the field. The goal in the long term will be the construction of such nanotubes integrated into silicon chips - in a way that turns each such chip into an optical communication system on a single component.
IBM scientists have succeeded in building a transistor, capable of being used at the same time as a switch - and as a light-emitting system. Using the transistor gate, allows you to turn on or off the electrical switch - and with it the light. In fact, this transistor combines two modes of switching: electrons - electrical switching and photons - light switching.