The "Ofek" 5 spy satellite was successfully launched from Palmahim

Amnon Barzilai

Ofek 5 will launch first images tomorrow

By Amnon Barzilai

All the systems of the Israeli spy satellite "Ofek" 5 that was launched yesterday
For the space they operate as a standard. Some of the antennas on top of the satellite were opened tomorrow
The broadcast of the first images to be recorded at the ground station in Israel is expected.
A senior official in the defense system said yesterday that the successful launch has
A strategically significant importance concerning the performance of a launcher
The satellites - "Shavit".

According to foreign publications, the launcher is a derivative of the surface-to-surface missile
"Jericho". At launch, the rocket carried a heavy photo satellite about one-third the weight of
The "Ofek" 3 spy satellite that Israel launched into space in 1995 is a fact
This indicates a great improvement in the capabilities of the "Comet".

From the monitoring conducted by the engineers of the Space Directorate at the Mbat plant of the industry
Al-Hairit, the manufacturer of the satellite, indicates that the solar panels have also started
act. These systems absorb solar energy and charge the batteries
that operate some of the satellite systems.

The launch arouses interest all over the world. Besides Israel there are about 4-5 more
Countries with independent capability in building and launching photography satellites.
The aerospace industry estimates that the success of the launch will promote construction deals
Photography satellites for foreign customers.

Last year the Mbat plant won the award of the Association of Manufacturers for excellence.
The factory, located in Yehud, employs about 1080 workers and is one of the most prosperous
in the aerospace industry. The volume of his orders is about one billion dollars.

The Israeli spy satellite "Ofek" 5 was successfully launched yesterday using
The Israeli satellite launcher "Shavit", and entered a low elliptical orbit
around the earth The satellite will start transmitting images from space, mainly
from the countries that circle the threat to Israel, within a few weeks. The launch was made
From the Palmachim air force base in the center of the country.

The countdown to the "Ofek" launch began yesterday morning
the qualifiers, under the watchful eye of the engineering teams of the Mbat factories
and "MLM" of the Aerospace Industry (TAA) - the manufacturers of the satellite and the launcher.
The launch moment was postponed several times and the countdown started again and again.
Towards the evening hours, the final preparations were completed and at 18:25 there was an explosion
The "Comet" then launched with its bow "Horizon" 5 and moved quickly in the direction

Because of the geographical location of Israel, "Shavit" is launched towards the west (opposite
for the rotation of the earth) so that in the event of a malfunction - it will not fall into the territory of
enemy state This fact required the planners to build a launcher with engines
particularly strong. According to foreign publications, the "comet" is a derivative of a missile
The Israeli ground-ground "Jericho".

The tension in the control room increased after the launcher disconnected from its first stage (the engine
the first) and accelerated its speed towards its exit from the atmosphere. The launch
The previous one in 1998 failed due to a system failure in the second stage (the second engine) of
the launcher Joyful cheers were heard in the control room, when the engineering team reported that
"Comet" stuck to the flight path outlined for it, disconnected from the second stage of flight
The launcher left the atmosphere.

The first two rocket engines, produced by the industry's "Givon" factory
military, brought the launcher to an altitude of about 110 km. From this point, within
To cruise, the launcher reaches an altitude of about 250 km and positions itself for removal
The canopy covering the satellite. After removing the canopy is separated, in the process
Release, the main instrument compartment and the third stage engine spark plug (manufactured
Rafael), at the end of its operation the satellite is separated in an orbit at an altitude of about 260

At this point, when the "Comet" satellite launcher completed its mission, it entered
Pictured is the "Ofek" ground station, which was established inside the Mbat plant
in Jewry This station also monitored the operation of the satellite by the director general of the industry
The airman, Moshe Kerat, and the plant manager, Yitzhak Nissan. The two joined
To the team of engineers who waited for the first signals that the satellite was supposed to
broadcast, with the completion of the first lap around the Earth after 90 minutes.
From the signals coming from the satellite it appeared that all the satellite systems were functioning

Once placed in orbit around the Earth, the satellite will undergo a series of tests
designed to verify its integrity and level of performance. The satellite carries a camera
A telescope made by "Alup" owned by "Elbit Systems", capable
Remote sensing that allows observation from space at a high level of separation
(resolution). The images are transmitted using a data system developed on
By "Tadiran Specterlink". The main mission of the satellite is to track,
Identify, locate and provide information available to the Iman and the security system, about movements
of military forces or changes in formations and mobilizations of any countries
which are in conflict with Israel.

Although "ofek" circles the earth once every hour and a half, it is because of rotation
Earth, and the changes in its flight path, the satellite returns to it
A point just two days later. For backup and compensation for the lost days
Of these, the Ministry of Defense receives services from the civilian photography satellite
"Eros". The Ministry of Defense receives satellite photography services from another source.

Ofek 5 belongs to the category of light and small satellites. its weight
At launch about 300 kg, its height is 2.3 meters and its diameter is 1.2 meters. Because of the growth
The telescopic camera also increased in weight. The satellite will move in a low orbit
Around the Earth, at altitudes between 370 and 600 km. The size of the lens
and the distance from the Earth will dictate the level of separation of the images. The evaluation
is that the camera is able to detect objects less than a meter in size on the ground.

"Ofek" 5 will replace "Ofek" 3 in space, which ended its role before it
about two years. After the failure to launch "Ofek" 4, the defense establishment decided to take
timeout and reorganize the entire project. It was also decided to develop the next generation
of the spy satellites. Apparently, the systems that were placed on "Ofek" 5
They are much more sophisticated than in "Ofek," the 3 images are colored and
higher quality. The cost of the project is over 80 million dollars
And it is budgeted as part of a multi-year plan built by the Ministry of Defense for Development
military space ventures.

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