All in all, this is the second moon discovered around an asteroid
Avi Blizovsky
An international team of astronomers led by William Merlin
Merline of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, found out
A tiny moon - the second discovered around an asteroid. Time
This is an old asteroid named Eugenia (45).
The research was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation and during which the scientists did
Use of the giant telescope shared by Canada, France and the USA on Mount Mauna
Kia in Hawaii. The first moon around an asteroid was discovered in 1993
– A moon orbiting Ida (243), and it was photographed by the spacecraft
Galileo who was on her way to justice.
The results of the study were published in the October 7 issue of the journal
Nature. "The results were achieved using the newest optical equipment
who managed to bring terrestrial astronomy back to the forefront of discoveries
In everything related to the objects neighboring us in the solar system" said Vernon
Pankonin, director of the planetary astronomy program
at the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Marilyn's team plans to photograph 200 different asteroids to
Look for potential moons, using ground telescopes
Plus corrective optical equipment, new technology that allows correction
Image distortions caused by the Earth's atmosphere.
The moon of Eugenia was discovered as mentioned in the multinational telescope in Mauna
Kia in Hawaii, which is just one of the telescopes used by my friend
the group.
The discovery may help answer questions about formation
The objects in our solar system. Observation of the "attraction well" of a small moon
of an asteroid may lead scientists to estimate that the asteroid
Less dense than previously thought, and perhaps that means it's gone
made of rocks only as was commonly thought until now. Anyway,
The moon was almost certainly formed due to a collision between asteroids.