Researchers have verified the myth of destruction after the death of King Arthur
"Haaretz" service
It is possible that the myth about the death of King Arthur and the period of terrible frost that followed is based on a historical fact. According to Dr. Mike Bailey of Queen's University in Belfast, huge fragments of a comet that hit the Earth in 540 AD marked the beginning of the cold and dark medieval period.
According to Bailey, the event filled the atmosphere with dust and chips, and as a result, a long winter began. The crops did not grow well, and the population suffered from hunger, and according to the findings of tests conducted on Irish oak trees - also from catastrophic climate change.
You can learn about climate change from a pile of tree trunk rings. Particularly narrow rings, like the ones found, indicate severe frost that prevailed in the world in those years. Due to the terrible cold, the agricultural crops were destroyed and the plague of 452 broke out, claiming millions of victims. The plague-carrying rats and vermin spread the disease while searching for food.
According to Dr. Bailey, there are several main theories that explain the beginning of that severe winter. According to one of them, the eruption of a volcano of enormous dimensions resulted in the compression of huge amounts of dust into the atmosphere. In order for this theory to be accepted, it must be assumed that it was a really huge volcano, With dimensions that far exceed those we know today," as Bailey claims, but there is no trace of this in the geological records.
According to another theory, giant fragments of a comet hit the Earth, causing strong explosions and a dramatic cooling of the Earth. "We were not hit by an entire comet, otherwise we wouldn't be here today, but only parts of the star," Bailey emphasizes.
According to Bailey, the latter assumption is supported by studies by astronomers and astrophysicists, according to which there is a high probability that the Earth was hit by fragments of a comet, between the years 400 and 600. Their studies were based on records of active meteorite activity, which they linked to the disintegration of a star Comet Beila (Beila). This conclusion will be strengthened if scientists in Greenland manage to find signs of cometary dust in the ice.
Dr. Bailey urged historians to look for records of the events. "You can read about the plague of Justinian's time in conventional history books, but you can't read about a comet hitting the Earth. In the meantime, we can learn about the event only from tree trunks." This claim is not entirely accurate, as the event was mentioned in several mythological works. Roger of Wendover referred in 540 or 541 to "a comet in Gale (an ancient land area including France and Belgium), which was So big that it seemed the whole sky was on fire. That year, real blood fell from the clouds... and a terrible death was caused."
The death of King Arthur (which happened, apparently, between the years 537 and 542) is linked in various works to fire from heaven and destruction. According to Bailey, the myths associated with the king allude to the impact of the star fragments as the cause of destruction and destruction.
{Appeared in Haaretz newspaper, 13/9/2000{