More hell than heaven

Dr. Noah Brosh

An artist's illustration showing the giant planet, next to its distant sun, a fiery cloud of gas, next to its sun a heat of 1100 degrees prevails

While the discoveries of planets outside our solar system have already become "almost routine" - the first evidence of the existence of an atmosphere surrounding such a planet must excite everyone (only as a scientific discovery) even though it is not at all an atmosphere capable of sustaining similar life to ours

The planet marked HD-209458, which is about 150 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation Pegasus, is the "sun" of this planet, which has an atmosphere.
Since 1999, astronomers have known about the existence of a planet orbiting the "Sun". HD-209458 This was discovered in a test that examined its radial velocity. A planet rotates around the star (the sun) - and even though it is tiny in size compared to its sun, it manages to shake it, due to the rotation.

Just as the main star in a star system pulls its planet to it - so this planet pulls its sun and the tiny pull manages to slightly move the (other) sun from its place. And the oscillations of the wobble, the astronomers measure, from the earth.

The tiny wobble translates into periodic changes in the speed of HD-209458. This is the signature that indicates the existence of a planet, moving around the other sun.

At a later stage of research dealing with this issue, astronomers found that the planet's plane of motion, around its sun, is in the star's line of sight, from us. Due to this, it was possible to observe the "eclipses" (from eclipse-heat) of the star, by its planet. The eclipse causes a slight, but measurable, decrease in the intensity of the light received from the star.
The new discovery regarding the existence of the atmosphere around the distant planet was made from a spectral analysis of the starlight, not during the eclipse of the planet, against the light received during the eclipse. Not only was the decrease in light intensity measured, but also the spectral analysis of the components blocking the light during the eclipse was possible. It turned out that in the atmosphere of the planet, there is a signature of sodium. This is the chemical element that makes up the molecule of our cooking salt (sodium chloride) and is used to create the yellow light in the lighting lamps scattered along many roads.

Based on the previous data analysis, astronomers now know that the planet orbiting HD-209458 is a giant planet. It is an almost Jupiter-like planet from our solar system. It contains 220 times more matter than the Earth contains.

What is strange about her is the fact that her orbit around the sun is only 3 and a half days. This planet is on average about 6.4 million km from the Sun which it orbits. Due to this great proximity, the surface of the planet heats up to 1100 degrees. It is no wonder then that in such an enormous heat, the sodium is in a gaseous state of accumulation.

The conclusion: it is not a heavenly paradise, but rather a fiery hell, like "Dante's Inferno".

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