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בעל הטור סעיד אל-חמד תקף ביומון הבחרייני "אל-איאם" (17/8/04) את "תרבות הנחשלות" השולטת בעולם הערבי, והסביר כי היא האיום האמיתי לחברה ולא האימפריאליזם, הקולוניאליזם והגלובליזציה שבה בוחרים האינטלקטואלים הערבים להילחם :
"תרבות הנחשלות היא אשר מאיימת עלינו והיא האסון האופף את [מידת] התרבות הרציונאלית והנאורה שעוד נותרה לנו. לתרבות הנחשלות יש פנים רבות החל בתרבות טרור המיישמת את 'השריעה' של עריפת ראשים וריסוק אנשים וכלה בתרבות השנאה הזורעת במוחם ובהכרתם של הצעירים את השנאה לעולם, לדתות ולאדם השונה מהם במחשבותיו ובדעותיו. תרבות השנאה מתגשמת היום בעולמנו הערבי והאסלאמי בצורות רבות מספור שניתן לעקוב אחריהן על פי המעשים וההתנהגויות שאנו רואים סביבנו ועל פי הנאומים שאנו שומעים וקוראים אשר אוסרים [איסורים רבים], מאשימים בפשיעה, מאשימים בכפירה ומדכאים.
How many halachic opinions have been published by the backward culture in the last twenty years. [The people of this culture] forbade photography, watching television, listening to music and songs, and participating in plays. They forbade revealing the face and preferred the veil, forbade some of the foods and drinks permitted by God, forbade flowers, perfumes and conversation with strangers. They forbade shaking the hand of Dhimmi [that is, Jews and Christians] and abandoned their property and honor. They forbade wearing a watch on the left hand, reading stories and modern poetry and visiting design exhibitions. They cursed and sometimes even beat girls who did not wear a veil and in several places attacked people who talked to girls in a public way and in the end it turned out that they were their relatives, acquaintances or neighbors. They issued opinions prohibiting prayer in certain mosques, prevented lectures and conferences [even] in mourning assemblies and thwarted discussions and meetings. Some of the backward culture owners forced the poor to pay them money or work for free in building their houses and transporting their wives and sons, not to mention the other daily jobs [they imposed on them] that are close to forced labor.
The dominant and hegemonic culture of backwardness [in the Arab world] is the challenge and is the disaster that lies before us. However, many of those who were immersed in Don Quixote wars with imperialism, colonialism, globalization and other artificial wars that do not threaten us today as the culture of backwardness threatens us, did not give their opinion on it. This culture breaks into our home, takes over our children and encourages them to hate life, isolate themselves and live a life of celibacy and then completely immerse themselves in the culture of hatred so that they become supporters and identify ideologically and culturally with the culture of terrorism and the accusation of apostasy and crime, the culture of prohibitions which is not content with distancing the other and canceling it, but tries eliminate him
Those who were immersed in Don Quixote wars with imperialism, colonialism and globalization did not notice that those with a culture of backwardness... can live in any environment as they are excellent opportunists. Just as they lived in the stage of strangulation, riding its waves and exploiting it for the benefit of their culture and establishing their ideas and methods, they succeeded in a number of Arab and Islamic [countries] to ride the wave of democracy and present themselves as 'democrats'. They took advantage of their hegemony on the Arab street... to operate in the open and public periods and to benefit from the freedom to suppress the freedom of others. They worked to spread the culture of anti-democratic backwardness and to implement it through the democratic institutions themselves...
מתי נתעורר ונבין את גודל האתגרים של תרבות הנחשלות. אסונותיה מאיימים עלינו במיוחד משום שיש [אינטלקטואלים] המגלים הבנה כלפיה וכורתים עמה בריתות…"
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לאתר ממר"י
הספר "מה השתבש" עליית המערב ותגובת האיסלם (באתר מיתוס)