The phenomenon of suicide terrorists is exactly the same phenomenon that applies to cult believers, blind faith and seeing reality in black and white, and a willingness to die for the cause of the sect."
Steve Hasan, edited by Avi Blizovsky
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When trying to understand the crazy events that happened
In New York, it seems worthwhile to understand the psychology of cults, said cult expert Steven Hassan. "Members of terrorist organizations are actually members of cults that engage in destructive brainwashing. The use of influence techniques to create hypnotic people are exactly the same methods. There is a great similarity in the ways that can be used to program a person into a cult, the result of which is manifested in a suicide attack.
Many people who have been in cults, including myself, can testify that they were willing to die for the cause, if necessary." How can humans cause killing and destruction, as they did to us on 11/XNUMX. Are they bad people?
This is a question that people ask themselves today in the most difficult days ever
To us in America. To think of the perpetrators of the attack only as bad people would be a mistake." says Hassan. "This is the kind of simplistic thinking about the things that might lead to such behavior."
"Part of the cult mentality is that people see things in terms of black and white. Everything falls into place as good or bad. And 'us against them'. Cult members are brainwashed and indoctrinated to achieve blind obedience to the charismatic figure at the top of their group's pyramid. They are in a kind of trance."
"This is basically mind control. The person who joins a cult gets a new identity (in the diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Association, this is referred to as Disassociative Disorder) Cult members who have suffered back control over their minds change names and take on a new linguistic system; they have a different belief system than they had to them first, and usually they also change their clothes. Reality is redefined Hale Bop approached Earth in 1997), not realizing that they were committing suicide. They thought it was just leaving the vehicles of their souls and moving to a spaceship that was waiting for them.
"Cult members believe that they are part of an elite group, that they were chosen by God for a special mission, that they will always be remembered as heroes for their actions." "Suicide terrorists undergo massive indoctrination: they are put in a coffin and buried, they are told that they are already dead anyway. They have no choice but to continue as planned. They believe that they are dead anyway, they are in a trance, and are confident of their redemption when they die, together with the victims of their actions.
Steve Hassan has been involved in educating the public about destructive brainwashing cults for over 20 years.