They have a huge influence on the galaxy says the person responsible for the joint project between Australia and Japan

A new telescope designed to search for 'black holes' was recently placed in the Australian outback.
The state-of-the-art telescope was placed in a building that was used until recently as a missile test field. The name of the new device
'Kangaroo 2' and it was built at a cost of 4 million Australian dollars (about a quarter of a million dollars). It scans the sky with gamma rays. Such strong radioactive radiation characterizes the 'disappeared' material
At the entrance to black holes.
The project is a joint initiative of Australia and Japan, as part of the research project of satellites based on gamma rays, with the aim of investigating how black holes 'work'. In the future, the intention is to build a similar telescope, but several times larger, which will be able to survey a much larger area than the current one.
"We will look for giant black holes in the center of the galaxy, they have a huge effect on the galaxy," says Dr. John Patterson, project coordinator from the University of Adelaide in Australia. "Black holes can be a million times larger than the size of the sun."