Patrick Buchanan, the conservative television commentator and far-right American presidential candidate, has already written the pathological report. According to him, the situation is dire: the West is dying
Benny Landau

Photo: EP Buchanan. Cultural revolution
The State of Israel is, in Patrick Buchanan's view, a miniature model of the Western world. Its fate, as well as the fate of Europe and the United States, will be decided in the next 50 years. The withdrawal from Israel, he states in his latest book "The Death of the West", began as early as 1973 and continued until the year 2000. "Even if the Arabs accepted the proposals Barak," he claims, "what guarantee did Israel have that these would indeed be their last territorial claims from the Jewish state? Why should the Arabs not continue, when they have finished digesting what Israel gave them, to strive for the elimination of the 'Zionist entity' from the Middle East? The Israelis say they are offering their neighbors a just peace, but the Arabs may see Israel as a retreating country that is now trying to reach the best possible deal. Why should the Arabs not believe that just as the war brought in its wake an offer to give territories in exchange for peace, another war will bring in its wake more territories in exchange for peace? From the Arab point of view," he states, "the war pays off."
Buchanan is not one of the prominent followers of the Zionist enterprise. Most likely, the fate of the West does not keep him awake either. The television commentator and conservative columnist, who became famous as a demagogue who emerges every four years as the far-right American candidate in the presidential elections, simply constantly searched for the hits of the political bazaar.
He was educated in a Jesuit monastery, was one of the speechwriters for President Richard Nixon, and his current book also articulates some of the fashionable fears that might convince millions of Americans to entrust their fate to him. And what, in his opinion, is the great fear permeating America today? the immigrants the strangers The third world set her up for marriage.
The problem is that Buchanan is not stupid and he is not necessarily wrong. His gloomy prophecies are not without merit just because he is a vagabond with anti-Semitic tendencies. Many are following with increasing concern the global demographics and understand, just like him, that the current historical epic may be a turning point.
We are losing the country we grew up in, says Tara Buchanan at the very beginning of his book. America is not the country it was 20 and 30 years ago and we are no longer the same people. The terrorist incident in New York revealed, in his opinion, the fault line in American society. The gap that was discovered is not in the level of income, ideology or belief. It is based on ethnicity and loyalty. "We woke up and realized that among the millions who are not born in America, a third are here illegally, tens of thousands of them are loyal to regimes against which we may go to war, and some of them are terrorists who were trained and sent here with the aim of killing Americans."
When Richard Nixon was sworn in as president in 1969, writes Buchanan, there were nine million foreigners living in the United States. When George Bush raised his right hand, the number of foreigners approached 30 million. Every year, about a million immigrants enter the country and every Half a million illegal immigrants are annexed to them. It is the largest human transfer in history, and the immigrants are not "melted and shaped" in their new country No country in history, states Buchanan, has undergone such a great demographic change in such a short time and the same country is already threatened by the lack of control to change the face of the American nation that will live here There will be almost no common denominator - no history, no heroes, no language, no culture, no faith.
America, states Buchanan, is currently undergoing a cultural revolution. A new elite took over all the institutions that shape and transmit ideas and values - television, the arts, entertainment and education - and created a new people. America ceased to be "one nation, by the grace of God" and millions of Americans began to feel like strangers on their own land. Unlike President Bush - and perhaps due to the timing of the writing - Buchanan believes that the USA today is based on sex, advertising, money and power and encourages Donist values.
The old holidays are gone, the old heroes are humiliated, the glorious art of the past is removed from the museums and replaced with everything that is depressing, ugly, abstract and anti-American. The books that previous generations valued are disappearing from schools. The moral code has been converted.
"We didn't leave America," states Buchanan, "it was America that left us." And not only that. The new culture rejected the god of faith, replaced him with the god of the market and worships him on the altars of the global economy. The revolution replaced the good country with a cultural and moral waste that is not worth living in or fighting for - their country, not ours. And it's not just America. The revolution closed everything
Western countries. Culture, lifestyle, faith and moral order that were rooted in the (Christian) faith are replaced by new culture, faith and moral orders.
The West is dying, Buchanan insists. The people of the West stopped multiplying and the populations that stopped growing began to shrink. Since the 14th century, when a third of Europe's inhabitants perished in the Black Plague, Western culture has not seen such a serious danger. In 17 European countries, more funerals are held than birthday celebrations and more coffins are built than cribs. Westerners have lost their will to live. Are we witnessing the twilight of the West, Buchanan asks. Is the death of the West irreversible?
Be that as it may, he has already written the pathological report. The situation, in his opinion, is human. In the last 40 years, the world's population has doubled and it now numbers six billion people. In contrast to the demographic explosion in the third world - every 15 months for the peoples of Africa, Asia and America Latin about 100 million people - the peoples of Europe have stopped reproducing. 18 of the European countries are on the list of the 20 countries where the birth rate is the lowest in the world. The European families are disappearing and you will soon disappear the entire culture of the continent.
If Europe does not find the answer soon, says Buchanan, it will perish. Demographers have calculated and found that at the end of the 21st century the English people will be a minority on their own land. Whites will be a minority in London as early as 2010 (they are already a minority in Los Angeles). In Africa, on the other hand, 1.5 billion people will live. From Morocco to the Persian Gulf will stretch an Arab-Turkish-Islamic sea of 500 million people. 700 million Iranians, Afghans, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis will live in South Asia, not to mention 1.5 billion Indians and a similar number of Chinese. The white man, who at the beginning of the XNUMXth century still controlled parts of Asia and Africa, will be pushed out and disappear from those continents, except perhaps for small enclaves in South Africa and Israel. The whites in Australia, according to Buchanan, are also living on borrowed time.
In his opinion, this is not a forecast but a process taking place here and now. If the first world does not find an answer and change the trend, and soon, it will be decided by the third world which is five times bigger than it. In 1982, 44 million people lived in Cairo; In 1998, 64 million lived in it; In 2025, Egypt's population may grow to 96 million. Already today Africans are colonizing in Europe (only the AIDS epidemic, states Buchanan, prevents African peoples from overshadowing Europe and eventually conquering it). In 2025, 94.5 million people will live in Iran. Nuclear technology will then be 80 years old and it is likely that Iran, which is already equipped with ballistic missiles, will also be equipped with atomic bombs.
But the continent that really interests him is Europe. And Europe, in his opinion, has already agreed to put an end to its culture. Right of return or not - mass immigration from Islamic countries will change the ethnic composition of the old continent, and the Europeans, for fear of acts of terrorism, will no longer interfere in North Africa, the Middle East or the Persian Gulf. Even now, when its population is becoming more Arab and Muslim, Europe ignores the sanctions imposed by the USA on Iran, Iraq and Libya. The Christian communities in Europe are dying, the churches are emptying and the mosques are filling up. There are currently five million Muslims living in France and their number in all the countries of the European Union reaches 12 million. In Germany 1,500 mosques were built and Islam was established as a religion The second largest in the continent. In 2000, for the first time in history, there were more Muslims than Catholics.
Nations, Buchanan believes, naturally rise and spread, weaken and dominate only to retreat and offer equal rights and coexistence to the conquered peoples. These nations agree to the proposal until they gain strength, spread and weaken themselves. Are all our preachings for equality between the nations nothing but a self-delusion, he wonders. Is the era we live in today the end of history or is it a temporary ceasefire, a fake peace, a truce, a time of transition from the day when the West pretends to the day when it will be required to pay taxes?
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