The plants can reproduce sexually or by cloning, but not at the same time

A new study by Dr. Moshe Reuvani from the Volcanic Institute published in the journal Nature found that the presence of a protein called florigen, which is secreted by the plant during flowering (the stage of sexual reproduction), is related to the decreased ability of the plant to reproduce through regeneration.

In the picture on the left: leaves that have undergone regeneration. Courtesy of the researchers and the Volcanic Institute
In the picture on the left: leaves that have undergone regeneration. Courtesy of the researchers and the Volcanic Institute

Mammals and humans have only one way to reproduce: they need a mother and a father. Plants have two. One is sexual reproduction, through male and female, and the other is through regeneration - renewal, that is: the plant produces a growth that grows from it and it develops into an independent plant that is genetically identical to the original

The problem with plants is that they cannot reproduce both ways at the same time. When the plant is in the flowering phase, a sign of multiplicity, the plant has difficulty regenerating.

מחקר חדש של ד"ר משה ראובני ממכון וולקני מצא, שנוכחותו של חלבון בשם פלוריגן, המופרש בצמח בזמן הפריחה, קשור לירידת היכולת של הצמח להתרבות באמצעות רגנרציה.

In a study published in the prestigious journal Scientific Reports, the researchers showed that in young plants, when the level of the protein florigen is increased, the regeneration capacity decreases dramatically and when the amount of florigen is reduced, the regeneration capacity increases greatly. When the researchers increased the level of florigen in the plants, the ability to regenerate decreased. When the florigen level in plants was lowered by chemicals, regeneration capacity increased. Chemical substances that inhibit flowering and lower the florigen level and encourage regeneration in plants also encourage regeneration in laboratory animals.

The research was carried out on tomato and tobacco seedlings.

ד"ר משה ראובני ממכון וולקני, העומד בראש קבוצת המחקר: " הידע הזה יכול לאפשר לחקלאים  לעשות ריבוי של חומרים שיש להם במשתלות. בתהליך הרגנרציה השתילים זהים גנטית במאה אחוז למקור. לכן השיטה הזו טובה מאוד לשתלנים שרוצים לרבות חומר איכותי. באמצעות המחקר שזיהה את פעולת הפלוריגן, אפשר עם  ריסוס פשוט יחסית ולא מסוכן, לשלוט במערכת הריבוי של הצמח ולהביא לתוצאה של הגדלת יבולים איכותיים באופן משמעותי."

for the scientific article

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