Evidence has been accumulated that substantiates the existence of a black hole in the Milky Way

Tamara Traubman

Reuters: Illustration of matter drifting into a black hole. The diameter of the storm around the black hole is about the distance between the Earth and the Sun

Astrophysicists have suspected for a long time that at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy, there is a massive black hole, which is about 3 times more massive
A million from the sun. Data obtained from the Chandra Space Telescope, and published
Yesterday, providing evidence that scientists defined as the most convincing evidence
accepted so far for its existence.

According to Prof. Fred Baganoff of MIT in Boston, who headed the study,
The previous evidence of the black hole in the Milky Way galaxy was
Circumstances. According to him, the new data received from the Chandra telescope
X-ray detector space, "put an end to speculation about the existence of the hole
This black."

The new data, Baganoff said, provides the closest glimpse yet
reached so far to the "event horizon" of the black hole, the point beyond
Nothing, not even light, can escape the hole's immense gravity
the black The research findings were published yesterday in the scientific journal "Nature".

With the help of the telescope, the researchers observed the bursts of radiation occurring around
the black hole "Within this storm, there were also X-ray bursts.
These bursts occur because the black hole's gravity causes
Andralmosia in the gases that surround it, heats them and causes them to emit the
The radiation," Baganoff says.

The intensity of the X-rays went up and down. The researchers measured the duration of the time periods
of the radiation burst. Using the data obtained they calculated that
The diameter of the storm around the black hole is about the same as the distance
between the earth and the sun. "This finding means that the X-rays are coming from an area
Very small in the center of the galaxy," says Baganoff, "something that is confined to such an area
Small and still able to exert such a strong force must be a black hole."

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