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The sheep "Dolly" is now registered as a patent

The technique, through which the sheep "Dolly" came into the world - the cloning method ("genetic replication") - was registered as a protected patent (GB 2318578 and GB 2331751),

The technique, through which the sheep "Dolly" came into the world - the cloning method ("genetic replication") - was registered as a protected patent (GB 2318578 and GB 2331751), and this is in addition to the fact that the famous sheep stars in a new book: "The Secret of the Second Creation". "Dolly", now four years old, managed to give birth to a lamb - named "Bonnie".


This is the first time that cloning has been registered as a series of patents - by the researchers of the Scottish "Roslin" Institute, led by Dr. Keith Campbell and Ian Wilmot. The patents deal with everything achieved in the "nucleus transfer technology" (that's the name of the method). The patent rights are for 17 years and are held by the American biotechnology company "Jeron Bio-Med", the main shareholder in "Roslin". Its purpose: to expand the activity in this field to help doctors grow living tissues intended for transplantation in humans.

The very act of registering the patent was criticized because by doing so a commercial entity gained too much control over a technique that may bring about a major revolution in medicine in the current century, and there is room to make this method available to the general public. It is possible that including the patent will slow down the pace of development of new medical treatment methods. The "Jaron" company rejected all criticism towards it in this matter.

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