The rain is "equally distributed"

A study done in Texas found that irrigated areas receive less rain than non-irrigated areas

Dr. Noah Brosh

Horizontal lightning, which probably originates from one cloud and has passed
After, does not hit the ground

The demand heard today in Israel, in the socio-economic context and also regarding service in the IDF - under the title "equitable distribution of the burden" - is applied in nature when it comes to... rain.
A study done in Texas revealed that irrigated areas also receive fewer meters than agricultural areas that are not irrigated - to the extent that they are further along the rain route. It turns out that when it rains in an agricultural area and during the storm, the rain reaches an area that has irrigation canals or a large area that was previously irrigated with water - the rain stops falling, and the storm skips over this site. A few tens of kilometers further, when the wind moves the rainstorm over an area that is not irrigated in the first place - the rain there is renewed.

This finding, regarding a "more equal distribution" of the meters, does not speak of a noticeable addition to the amount of rain that falls in the area examined - but this can be discovered, with the help of measurements
Accurate and consistent, over a long period of time.

The phenomenon observed in Texas is the increase of rain, after the storm passes over the irrigated area. It stands out precisely during periods of dryness. As a result, non-irrigated areas receive, on average, about 10% more water (rain) than areas where regular irrigation is carried out.

Despite this quantitative addition regarding the rain - it has no significant effect on agriculture and this is because other factors, such as the quality of the soil and infrastructure - in addition to distinct economic factors - determine the type of agricultural crops and where they will be grown.

Despite this, the discovery is important in order to emphasize the impact of human activity (creating regular irrigation) on the local climate. For example: it has long been known that near the cities, it often rains more - because the city areas are warmer, than the land where there is no dense human settlement at all.

The explanation for this: the water that evaporates in irrigated areas, causes the soil to cool - therefore, in these places, less rain will fall. The hot air above unirrigated areas - or above cities
Density - can increase the frequency of thunderstorms and summer rainstorms, by injecting additional energy into the clouds of the passing storm.

A study in Texas found that a large city like Houston receives on average 40% more lightning than its uninhabited surroundings - up to a distance of 300 km from it. It turns out that the heat emitted from the city, together with the air pollution in its surroundings, work to increase the frequency of lightning. The difference in the frequency of lightning strikes is particularly noticeable in the middle of the day, in the summer and autumn months. The effect of urban air pollution there is expressed in the supply of carbon dioxide to the water droplets, similar to what happens in Israel, when rain clouds are "seeded" to increase precipitation.

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