The Jedi entered the Oxford dictionary

The Star Wars trilogy has already had an impact on the English language as well

Avi Blizovsky

Terms taken from science fiction and political slang have become official words. Terms such as Jedi Knights from Star Wars, Klingons from Star Trek and Tardis are mentioned in the latest version of the Concise Oxford Dictionary. A new word is Blairite - a nickname for the aides and supporters of Prime Minister Tony Blair.
These terms are part of about 3,500 new words added to the dictionary in the edition published yesterday, September 28, 2002 by Oxford University Press. The edition replaces a previous edition published ten years ago.
In the years that have passed, terms like ladette, singleton and shedload have become so common that they have ceased to be pure slang. Sci-fi movies like Star Trek and Men in Black made "shedload" a space-based word. Other words were Klingons, warp drive, dilithium and parallel universe.
The world now knows terms such as asylum seeker, bed-blocking, just war and "name and shame" have found their place among the pages of the dictionary.

Here are some more examples: The dark side, Sizeism, Chick flick, Gateway drug, Essex Man, Bunny boiler, Clause Four, Get real, economic migrant.
The 4,000-page dictionary also has a place for Millennium Dome - the unlucky Millennium Dome that the authorities are now seeking to destroy, to ensure that at least the name will be remembered in history.
Angus Stevenson, says that politics and recent events produce fertile topics for today's dictionary, but he added: We included words that reached a certain level of usage, regardless of the question of their origin, but we made sure to clarify whether a particular word originated in slang."
For a word to be included in the dictionary it must be used at least five times in five different sources over five years.
The new version is described as the most comprehensive dictionary of New English in all history from the year XNUMX AD to the present day.

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