Will electric cars help mitigate the climate crisis?

As the trend of using electric cars becomes more and more widespread, the question arises as to what role they have in mitigating global warming

Electric car charging. Illustration: depositphotos.com
Electric car charging. Illustration: depositphotos.com

Studies show that when the electricity is produced from renewable sources, the environmental footprint of an electric car is lower than that of a car powered by mineral fuel and the level of pollutant emissions throughout the entire process (from production to recycling) is much lower. But is this enough to stop the infection?

Despite the conclusions of the studies, there is no clear reference to the level of environmental damage from the mining and extraction of the minerals needed to produce the batteries used in electric cars.

Despite the environmental advantage, the increase in the production and sale of electric cars leaves room for concernenvironment, since according to a report by the Institute for Transportation Development (ITDP) at the University of California at Davis.

מכוניות חשמליות לבדן לא ״יצילו אותנו״. על פי כותבי הדו"ח: "הדרך לא לעבור את רמת ההתחממות ב-1.5 מעלות היא שילוב חשמול (מכונית) ועליה בצפיפות העירונית״ החוקרים מוסיפים כי במסגרת המאמץ למיתון ההתחממות יש צורך להפוך ערים לידידותיות לרוכבי אופניים ולהולכי רגל. לשם כך יש צורך לצופף את הערים.

כדי לעצור את ההתחממות יש צורך לנהוג פחות גם במכוניות חשמליות, שכן גם לייצורן והפעלתן יש צורך במשאבים, חמרים שהפקתם והשימוש בהם גורם נזקים לסביבה הטבעית. עם זאת, אתר הסוכנות להגנת הסביבה של ארה"ב (EPA) חישב כי מבחינת פליטות, בסך הכולל המכוניות החשמליות מזהמות פחות לאורך מחזור חייהם לעומת מכוניות מנוע בעירה פנימית. נתון זה כולל רק את פליטת גזי החממה ולאפגיעות אחרות בסביבה עליהם ארחיב בהמשך.

An advantage for pedestrians and cyclists

In order to reduce the use of cars (also electric), it is necessary to develop dense cities that allow easy access to workplaces, educational institutions and all community services independent of cars, cities that give an advantage to pedestrians and cyclists will be better for the environment and at the same time also better for the health of the population . The studies show that the combination of electrification and dense development contribute to all parties.

The world must wean itself off mineral fuel that destroys the climate, so even though an electric car has a low carbon footprint, there are experts who claim that it is also important to take into account the emissions in the production process and the fact that charging the batteries does not always come from green electricity.

אתר החדשות AllAfricaמדווח כי בערים רבות מוניות מהוות את עיקר התחבורה הציבורית, וכשמוסיפים  על כך ערים באפריקה בהן אופנועים מהווים "מוניות", והתוצאה היא זיהום אוויר שפוגע בבריאות.

From this it is clear that the transition to electrification is a welcome initiative, yet several issues need to be clarified before the initiative will bear fruit. For example, the need to produce electricity from renewable sources in areas where access to electricity is not common anyway.

בעקבות העליה בייצור מכוניות חשמליות עולה הדרישה למינרלים כמו קובלט, מנגן, ליתיום ועוד, דרישה שגורמת ליזמים לחיפוש וכריה במעמקי הים, פעילות שללא ספק גורמת לפגיעה חמורה בסביבה הימית. על כך נוספת העובדה כי לכרית הקובלט באפריקה מנוצלים ילדים בתנאי עבדות לכן אין ספק כי כדי לצמצם את פליטות הפחמן יש צורך ביותר מ"רק" חשמול המכוניות.

Around the world there are leading cities in the effort to mitigate warming, cities where the use of energy from renewable sources and the use of clean production technologies has increased. Reducing emissions from industries and transportation reduces local pollution and thus improves air quality and the health of residents. At the same time, there is a trend of developing dense urban centers that encourage and enable less use of cars and more walking and cycling. These cities are also developing an efficient public transportation system powered by green electricity.

There is no doubt about the vital need to find an effective solution that will prevent the climate disaster, electric cars have an important role in the solution, but without a radical change in the production of the green batteries (that drive the cars) the serious damage to the environment (and children) will continue.

The giant corporations that control production have the means and knowledge to produce clean energy, and when the demand for batteries increases, it is time for a change that prioritizes human rights and the environment.

In November at COP26 world leaders reached an agreement on the climate issue, countries promised to cut emissions and report their progress at COP27 to be held in Cairo. The agreements also include a commitment to financial support for poor countries affected by warming and climate change, support that will allow poor countries to develop clean energy sources.

And I will add that the basis of the solution to the problems is the understanding that instead of controlling the environment for the sake of the human population, there should be control of the human population for the sake of the environment.

עAnd on the topic on the science website:


  1. Neither cars nor factories affect the earth. Harta Barta is nature and we and what we do nothing affects it it is huge what do you have? We dot …….. so

  2. האם דווקא הפד"ח הוא הגורם העיקרי לעלייה בהתחממות כדור הארץ? יכול להיות שהתחממות כדור הארץ גורמת לכמות הפדח לעלות בעקבות ירידה במסיסות המים כתוצאה מהתחממות שנגרמת מסיבה אחרת?

  3. And I will add that the basis of the solution to the problems is the understanding that instead of controlling the environment for the sake of the human population, there should be control of the human population for the sake of the environment

    זו תמצית התפיסה ה"ירוקה". רצון להשתלט על האנושות, בדיוק כמו הקומוניזם.
    Left 2021

  4. Electric cars almost do not improve the situation of the climate crisis as long as they are powered by electricity produced from fossil carbon energy (gas, oil, coal), which even with the best efforts will take many years to replace.
    This transition to a hybrid vehicle powered by natural gas (instead of gasoline) will reduce the greenhouse gas generation of vehicles by 2/3 immediately.
    כמו כן, מעבר לייצור חשמל בתחנות גאז בעלות שימוש משני בחום הפליטה יוריד את פליטת הפד"ח ב-30% ביחס לתחנות מונעות גאז.
    The transition to these stations involves the establishment of additional production units at existing stations, so it is possible to reach the goal within a few years.
    ביחד, גם ללא מעבר מלא לאנרגיה מתחדשת, יכול העולם המערבי לחתוך את פיזור הפד"ח ב-20%, ובאמצעות לחץ כלכלי על סין, להגיע ל- 40%, קרוב מאד ליעד 50% של דו"ח גלזגו.

  5. The problem is that we don't need a million electric cars instead of a million regular ones, but a million electric ones instead of ten million regular ones. When there will be autonomous driving, we will not need a private car and it will be possible to use the cars better. The car companies do not like such a future and try to postpone it as much as possible.

  6. Of course it won't help
    But it can help with morbidity
    Will less pollution in the cities cause a real decrease in morbidity in the future?

  7. Trams help unequivocally in reducing pollution for the following reasons:
    1. Charging a car from the mains without any pollution during the trip at all
    2. Instead of a million polluting cars standing in traffic jams, it is possible to have a million electric cars that do not pollute at all, neither while driving nor in traffic jams.
    3. The electricity producers, who are very few, can be monitored and their pollution stopped quite easily, it's not a million cars driving and polluting, these are a single digit number of electricity producers that can be fitted with filters and almost completely eliminate their pollution.
    4. I have been traveling on trams for almost 9 years
    And I'm doing great and I think that in order to push them more cars we should impose a high pollution tax and not give up.

  8. 1. Electric cars are much less polluting than cars that use fossil fuels even if we look at the entire production process.
    2. For secondary dock batteries - energy storage when a battery drops to at least 80% of the original capacity, it is no longer good enough for vehicles, but it is enough for energy storage and is worth about $3000 for storage purposes.
    3. Batteries have a tertiary market for the recycling of battery materials. Already today, companies like Redwood Materials know how to use an average of 95% of the raw materials for reuse.
    4. Most new batteries for electric vehicles do not contain cobalt at all. The LFP lithium iron phosphate batteries are the most common batteries for mass production electric vehicles (not performance vehicles).
    5. The development of the quality of the batteries causes the transformation of gardening and energy storage tools to be based on batteries and in the future also vessels and pilots. When generating electricity at the power station, even when it is made from fossil fuels, it is made in a significantly more efficient manner than vehicle engines with internal combustion.
    6. המהפיכה העיקרית תגיעה כאשר תהיה לסוללות צפיפות אנרגיה של 400 ווט לק"ג ( היום מקסימום כ 280 וואט לק"ג) או יותר ואז המטוסים כלי התחבורה המזהמים ביותר, יוכלו להיות חשמליים.

  9. כנראה האמת הפשוטה היא שלכל דבר "ירוק" יש מחיר.

    Solar takes up land from nature.
    Wind turbines harm birds.

    And the sentence is not clear:

    "כאשר החשמל מיוצר ממקורות מתחדשים טביעת הרגל הסביבתית של מכונית חשמלית נמוכה מזו של מכונית שמונעת בדלק"

    Obviously, electricity doesn't help a non-electric vehicle
    It is clear that electricity for an electric vehicle that is produced with fuel or coal is polluting

  10. Electric cars won't help either? It seems that we are marching towards the obvious conclusion: the only solution to the environmental crises is fewer people, much, much less.
    דילול אוכלוסיה יכול להתבצע ע"י הפחתת הפריון, לא צריך לדמיין פתרונות אכזריים ודרמטיים

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