Dr. David Pasig: We are in for a hundred or even 150 years of terror

Terrorism will get worse, the younger generation will feel alienated from the technological world and around 2020 a third world war will even break out between the USA and Russia on one side of the barrier and China on the other

Kobi Spivak, PCon site and Avi Blizovsky

Direct link to this page: https://www.hayadan.org.il/passig160304.html

Yesterday, the 10th convention of the Israel Information Systems Analysts Chamber was held in the village of Maccabiah in Ramat Gan. The pessimistic tone was provided by the futurist Dr. David Pasig, who based himself on the "model of the generations" and claimed that we are facing a revolutionary change of trend according to which most of the innovations presented at the conference will be unimportant since today's young generation will become in the coming years a generation of world facilities that most of their attention will be devoted to for value problems, interpersonal alienation and terrorism.
According to him the terrorism that we are going to see will get worse and worse and it will reach dimensions that are beyond anything we can imagine. This phenomenon is expected to continue in the next hundred and fifty years. While most of us think of physical terrorism of damaging buildings, nuclear or chemical-biological terrorism, the real terrorism will be infrastructure-oriented terrorism (such as sensitive information disruptions made by hackers, which will lead to erroneous decision-making in all its aspects by government officials or economic captains) .
Another field will be the Electronic Civil Disobedience of groups that will not accept the rules of society and will damage physical and electronic infrastructures. A special area that was emphasized was the economic terrorism where computer manufacturers or legitimate service providers will blackmail their users in different ways, hackers who will blackmail the Federal Reserve or China who blackmails the world economy to change trade agreements in her favor.
As an example of such an attempted attack, Pasig cites a recent news report that Russian hackers tried to get into the computer that manages Israel's emergency stockpile and plant in it a false figure that there is more fuel in Israel's emergency stockpile than in reality.

As important dates he indicates 2007/8 when we are expected to see dramatic "beatings" of the activists. For the years 2020-2 or predicting the next world war. Dr. Pasig calls on the IT people to be the patrol of the General Staff that will know how to anticipate and attack those terrorists. On an optimistic note, he concluded by saying that relative to most other countries in the world, the State of Israel is among the most prepared countries, for what is expected.

Yadan dealing with the consequences of September 11th until now and beyond

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