Brit: "My dog ​​found out I have cancer"


Brit: "My dog ​​found out I have cancer"

Four times the Chihuahua discovered the cancer that had broken out in the body of its owner. "Without him I would not be alive," says the British woman who underwent two operations to remove the tumor

Can a pet dog "smell" a cancerous tumor in its owner's body? Hazel Woodgett, a 44-year-old Briton, claims that her little dog smelled the cancer she had four times - this is what the British tabloid "Sun" publishes today (Thursday).

Wadgett, a married mother of two, thought she was fine, until one day her chihuahua, Peppa, started behaving strangely. "He started barking at my left breast while I was lying on the couch," she said. When the dog pushed Wadget she felt intense pain, and shortly after was examined by a doctor who confirmed that she had cancer.

The tumor was discovered exactly where the dog indicated. It turns out that it could not have been surgically removed if it had been discovered some time later. However, shortly after the tumor was surgically removed that left a scar on Wadgett's chest, Peppa the dog's sixth sense did it again: according to Wadgett, he "sense" the tumors that returned several more times.

Wadgett, who has been raising Peppa for 14 years, believes that he saved her life: "I would have died a long time ago, without my little dog," she says, after undergoing two mastectomy surgeries in six months. The doctors estimated that she had six months to live. She is now taking an experimental drug to fight cancer.

There are experts who believe that dogs have a sensitive nose that helps them smell even the most subtle odor, which emits a cancerous tumor in the body of their owner.

(31.07.03, 10:15

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