Boeing is warming up the engines for the Delta IV's maiden flight

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At the Kennedy spaceport in Fun Canaveral, Florida, final preparations are being made for the launch of Boeing's Delta 4 rocket tonight. The missile contains a first stage and a new model engine and according to the B.B. website. C. The success of the launch is essential to Boeing's future in the launch industry.
The missile will be a direct competitor to the new Atlas 5 built by Lockheed Martin and the Europeans' relatively new powerful missile - Ariane 5. The satellite will then be launched by launch number 37 at Cape Canaveral and it will carry with it a communication satellite of the Eutelest company.

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Boeing Co., recently completed a critical "hot" turn at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base, Florida.
The experiment prepares the background for the first flight of the Boeing Delta IV, powered by the first liquid fuel rocket engine designed and built in the USA and approved for flight within a generation.
The test start of the propulsion system from the first stage of Delta IV - the Boeing Rocketdyne 68-RS engine - was an integral part of the second general rehearsal of the launch, designed to ensure the success of the first flight of the missile, which is expected in mid-November.
It was also the last important milestone in the development of the Delta IV, the missile built by "Boeing Integrated Defense Systems", which is a business unit of the Boeing Company.
"We are about to launch a new family of rockets that will have a long-term impact in the areas of space launch, telecommunications and defense," said Dan Collins, Delta's vice president and program manager. "Our team did an outstanding job in this rehearsal. Launching the test will be a springboard and allow us to achieve our goal, which is to provide the US government and the commercial world with the world's best value satellite deployment launch vehicle.
"We have prepared a hectic test program focused on ensuring the success of the mission, and we have carried out all the tests in the program. Now it is time to launch."
During the return, the Delta team dialed back to T minus 3.5 seconds, fired the 68-RS main engine and brought it to full thrust at 17 million horsepower—similar to the power generated by the Hoover Dams. The engine shuts down at zero T as planned.
The Delta IV Medium+ (4,2), which carries a 4-meter diameter aerodynamic envelope with two solid rocket motors in addition to the first stage engine, is scheduled for launch next month from the B37 space launch complex. It will put into orbit a 5-W communications satellite for Eutelsat SA of France.
Delta IV Medium+ (4,2) is one of five Delta IV configurations. The largest and most powerful of these launch systems is the heavy Delta IV, which can carry up to 13,130 kg to geosynchronous transit orbit (high orbit).
The new Delta IV launch system was developed as part of the US Air Force's Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) space launch program to reduce launch costs and provide safe access to space. As an Air Force project, the EELV was designed for both commercial and government use.
"Boeing Integrated Defense Systems", a division of Boeing Co., Ltd., is one of the largest space and defense companies in the world. "Boeing Integrated Defense Systems" headquarters is in St. Louis and its value is 23 billion dollars. It provides system solutions to its military, government and commercial customers worldwide.
"Boeing Integrated Defense Systems" is a leading provider of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance services; the largest military aircraft manufacturer in the world; the world's largest satellite manufacturer and leading provider of space-based communications; The lead systems integrator for the US missile defense program; NASA's largest contractor and a world leader in providing launch services.

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