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Spider venom - against heart attacks

A chemical component found in the venom of the giant spider - the Chilean rose is being tested as the basis of a drug against heart attacks

A poisonous hairy spider from the tarantula family, known as the "Chilean rose" (and some keep it as a pet!) may be "man's best friend".

The reason: Scientists from the State University of New York at Buffalo discovered that the venom it produces may be useful in the treatment of heart attacks and even prevent malignant brain tumors. The biophysicists who studied this spider discovered that there is an active chemical component in its venom, which blocks the activity of the "ion channels" that serve as a kind of senses in the cells that make up the body's tissues. These channels, in the cell membranes, stretch and contract (close or open) and thus they mimic the activity of senses such as the sense of touch, sound, but also muscle tension and blood pressure.

Dr. Frederic Sachs who conducted the research and reported it to the journal "Journal of General Physiology" noted that a very small amount of protein in this spider's venom blocks the canals - and prevents the process of necrosis and cell death that takes place in the area of ​​the heart affected by a heart attack. due to a heart attack. It was also discovered that the venom prevents the penetration of the malignant tumor into the brain tissues - by inhibiting the ability to create "growth factors" by the ion channels.

On the other hand, it is possible, the American researchers believe, that this chemical substance may also help, in the critical transition phase that begins in babies, from using the oxygen in the mother's womb - to activating their own lungs.

Zacks said that during his research he tested the venom produced by 150 creatures, including marine creatures, and for that he activated a special team of fishermen and divers. "But only the venom of the 'Chilean rose' has been found suitable and large quantities can be extracted from it," emphasized the American researcher.

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