Taiwan, which was the last country on the list of areas affected by SARS, was removed from the "black list". The World Health Organization warns: the world is still not free of the virus that has killed more than 800 people

Direct link to this page: https://www.hayadan.org.il/sarsfree.html
The World Health Organization removed Taiwan this morning (Saturday) from the list of countries infected with Sars and announced that this marks the end of the outbreak of the epidemic. However, the World Health Organization has warned countries around the world to be on guard against a renewed outbreak of the virus, which since last November has killed more than 800 people worldwide and infected thousands more.
Taiwan was the last country on the list of countries infected with SARS. It was removed from the list after 20 days in which no patient who died from the disease was registered.
The Secretary-General of the World Health Organization, Gro Harlem Brundtland, said in his announcement: "We are not marking the end of SARS today, but this is a milestone. The global SARS outbreak is under control. It is imperative to continue global surveillance of SARS. The world is still not free of the virus."
It was also stated in the announcement published in Zurich: "Based on the surveillance reports in the various countries, the human chain of infection with the virus has been broken all over the world." The World Health Organization says that there may be a number of Sars cases that have not entered the records, so one must continue to be careful.
Taiwan welcomed the World Health Organization's announcement. About 700 SARS cases were discovered in Taiwan, 84 of whom died. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization lifted the warning for Toronto, Canada.
Ydan Hassars
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