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We love you mother

The re-establishment of the Council for Demography awakens racist and feminist demons. Is the intention to mobilize the Jewish womb for the service of the state and to prevent abortions? If so, what are the women's representatives doing there? If the intention is to benefit the mothers, will this also apply to Arab women? And in general, what does the country have to do in the bedroom?

Merv Serig

Dr. Baruch Levy: "What is this whole story about a womb being used by the state? I don't get it. Our goal is for the state to be a Jewish state, but there is still a long way to go from there to harming individual freedom."

Independence Day '67 was the big day of Amalia Ben Harosh from Amidar housing in Kiryat Binyamin. She gave birth to her twentieth child and earned the status of a national hero. "Efrat", the association for the encouragement of childbirth, gave her a check for 50 lira on the day of her son's marriage. 19 years later, a fertility survey conducted with UN funding found that Israeli women aged 39-22 want to give birth to 3.5 children on average, but actually only give birth. 2.6 When the women were asked in the survey what would convince them to give birth to the additional child, they answered: day care centers, adequate housing conditions, income tax benefits, etc.

The findings of the fertility report were brought before the Public Council for Demography, which renewed its activities in the same year, 1986, for the first time since it was established 35 years ago. The council sat on the dais and received a series of recommendations designed to provide Jewish women with the necessary conditions to give birth to more children. But the days passed, the council dispersed, its recommendations remained on paper, and the magic number, 2.6 children per Jewish family, did not grow.

Another 11 years passed and the Minister of Labor and Welfare in the Netanyahu government, Eli Yishai, decided to re-establish the Council for Demography. He appointed retired judge Sara Frisch as its head. Again the council sat on the bench and again received a series of recommendations. The main thing: to establish a system of information against abortion, to emphasize the national aspects of the demographic problem and to encourage the positive image of families with many children. The recommendations met with strong opposition from the women's lobby, whose representatives claimed that "women are not wombs intended for demographic purposes". In any case, the 97 recommendations were not implemented either, and with the retirement of Judge Frish, the Council stopped acting.

Now, following the increase in the number of foreign workers in Israel, the reduction of immigration, the Security Council report which stated that within 18 years there will no longer be a Jewish majority between the Jordan and the Sea, and the figure of 18 abortions in Israel in 2001, the Minister of Labor and Welfare, Shlomo Benizri, has decided to face it again with the "demographic threat" and renewed the activity of the council. At the opening meeting, the minister spoke about "the beauty of the Jewish family blessed with children" and said: "We are the majority in this country and we have every right to preserve our image and the image of the Jewish state and even to preserve the Jewish people."

The man appointed to fulfill this Jewish message is the chairman, Dr. Baruch Levi, an expert
for social policy. "We will have to take the survey from 1986 and check if it is still there
Relevant," says Levy. "If it turns out that today the population is not at all ready to bring
Another child then the work of the council will be much more difficult. If we manage to keep 2.6
Or about 2.7 children per family then we're fine, because that's how Israel is anyway
Today it is the only place in the world where there is a positive natural increase among Jews."

A womb in the civil service

The Council for Demography is an advisory body that should accompany the center's activities
for demography at the Ministry of Labor and Welfare. It is the minister who determines its composition. Except for the chairman
Members of the council - voluntarily - another 35 people, including demographers, educators
and social work, gynecologists, lawyers, economists and representatives of organizations
women. The council members also include Benizri's adviser on Arab affairs, Col
(respondent) Gideon Abbas, a member of the Druze community - the only non-Jew on the council.

The Center for Demography is a small research body. Its annual budget is 100 thousand NIS
And it employs only two people, one of whom, the manager Ron Tzur, helps out
in a part-time secretary. The center is supposed to collect and provide factual data that will form
basis for the council's deliberations. "The purpose of the current council is to identify matters that belong to me
Demographic aspects, analyze them, formulate recommendations and submit them to the minister within
About a year," says Dr. Levy. Among the relevant matters: the number of employees
The foreigners, the immigration of non-Jews from the United States and the encouragement of childbirth among families
secularism The question that will have to be examined, Levy says, is whether there is a way to cause it
For these families to bring another child into the world and if so, which one. among the ultra-Orthodox and the Arabs,
On the other hand, the natural reproduction is already high and according to Levy there is no need to encourage them
the birth

It is not difficult to estimate that in the end the council's recommendations will focus on increasing
Fertility of the Jewish woman. Also MK Yael Dayan, chairman of the Committee on the Status of Women
In the Knesset, she was so impressed that she convened a special meeting on the matter two weeks ago.
Apart from Dayan, Knesset members Anat Maor, Naomi Hazan, and Zehava Galon were present at the meeting
(Meretz) and Marina Solodkin (Israel on the rise), Yair Peretz (who after about five minutes
left the yeshiva) and Yitzchak Gagula (Shas), as well as many of the council members
to demographics.

Dayan strongly opposes the council's activities. "The status of women in Israeli society was
For years the status of her uterus", she says. "The emphasis was always on the woman -
The Jewish woman, of course - as a mother, as if the woman's womb is the solution to problems
Israel's demographics, and indirectly, also to its security problems. the approach
This one, which asks the woman to make decisions based on national considerations, is not acceptable to me."

Dr. Levy completely rejects Dayan's claims: "What is all this story about Raham
Used by the state? I don't get it. Our goal is for the country to be
A Jewish state, that's true, but there is still a long way to go from here to a violation of individual freedom
very long We will make sure to give the best conditions to every couple
Let him decide to have as many children as he wants into the world, that's all. This is not about
Orders and not about a hundred pounds to be distributed to the tenth child, therefore it is not a womb for rent
And neither mercy in the civil service nor all these things that I reject again and again."

Dayan: "Give incentives to women so that they want to give birth without having to stop working,
It's something that should be done regardless of demographics. It should be done for reasons of
Exploitation of women's human resources, not for political reasons. 30 years at least
Standing on the agenda of the Knesset is a law that has been rejected in every new Knesset: participation in dormitories
day and credit points for nannies. So what, suddenly the council will make a recommendation and he will pass?
The Council in '98 also recommended egg donation for IVF, so what? Until
Today the government bill was not prepared, although we prepared the law for reading
First over a year ago. In the end, when it comes down to the real thing, it's tax

A second front opened by members of the Knesset is with the representatives of the women's organizations
in the Council for Demography. Members of the Knesset, led by Zehava Galon, think that my organization
The women, who also represent them, do not need to sit on the committee whose entire purpose is
The mobilization of the Jewish womb for national-political purposes. "It is disgraceful that a representative of
Women's organizations sit on this council," says Galon, "because they give it
Legitimacy for its very existence. Despite the sweetness of the lips, there is a blatant intrusion into the room
The beds are ideologically disguised. We are given a role and Danny, as if the realization
Our self is only through motherhood. Where will it end? At first they will talk about
Encouraging childbirth and then they will tell us how the Arabs will take over us and then
They will emphasize that abortion is wrong and dangerous. The message that this council conveys to women
Young people are the ones who have to give birth and we'll give it the goshpanka of a government decision.
Nice, it doesn't train the creep. It's kosher, but it stinks."

Talia Livni, chairman of Naamat and a member of the council, rejects the claims: "The role of
The Council for Demography is to encourage childbirth in the State of Israel. There are encouraging sectors
- the ultra-Orthodox and the Arab, and I sit in this council to promote one sector, which is not
Just a sector, but it is the main avenue of the State of Israel, which is not only not
Encouraged but deprived. I'm talking about young, secular couples who want families
Big but can't afford it, because they want to live at a level
Adequate life and raise children in adequate conditions. This public needs to be encouraged
And make sure that the third and fourth children receive the large sums, and not necessarily
The fifth and onwards, as was done with the children's allowances".

For Livni, what is really important is that in the end the incentives will be given
The right ones for women who want to go to work without giving up raising children. "I am
I am aware that these are things that should be done anyway, but at the moment there is no other body that has done it
I can achieve these important things. And if this body issues a decision on
Subsidizing day care centers, so it's a tremendous achievement."

Regarding the claims against the "womb recruitment" Livni says: "I don't understand how women are at all
talking like that The state does not need our womb, the question is what we want
to do with our womb and if we can afford to do what with it
that we want In order to achieve what we want, we need to harness the council,
And not to mention uterus and gynecology. If a young couple wants more than two children
And it's hard for him, is it a womb in the civil service? There are 15 thousand women who are single mothers,
I have a chance to get them something, so what, I'll give it up because it's a womb
In the civil service? If I won't be there and exert all my influence to care
In the interests of my public, who will be there in my place? And maybe if I won't be
There, will they take a completely different direction there?"

Another member of the council, the chairman of the women's lobby, Rina Bar-Tal, also thinks it is better
influence from within. "I know very well why Benizri wants me to be there,"
She says. "He thinks that if the women's organizations sit on the council that means they are
A partnership in his worldview. For him, this is a very smart move. I won't stop.
As a politician, I understand exactly what is behind this. But this is one way
look at things. Another way is to say: we cannot influence
Encouraging birth from the outside, therefore it is right to take part in the council, to try to understand it
from within and create an internal coalition of people with a similar outlook and goals
identity. Not taking part in the council is letting the children play in front of us. And what do we do then?
Shall we write review articles?"

Bar-Tal and Livni declare that if they see that their goals are not manifested
In the council, they will retire. "Then we will fight from the outside," says Bar-Tal. "I'm not ready
to talk about her birth among Jews only, and is not willing to lend a hand to blessed families
Children. If it comes up, I'll come up with numbers and see what happens to these families,
All are below the poverty line. I want them to understand that we should be given incentives not according to
The number of children, but because we women are one of the workforce resources
the largest in the country. It is not acceptable to me that they decide, for example, on a daily subsidy
studies, but only from the third child. It won't be like discussing child benefits."

Galon: "I know this attitude of fighting from the inside. My blood pressure is rising
From the fact that they are sitting there, mainly because we know who it is and what it is about
his intentions. Benizri wants, in the end, for women to give birth, to settle down
At home, they will raise the children, receive allowances and not have abortions. If a woman chooses
Motherhood as a way to realize herself is fine, but if it's a country's perception, that's it
problematic. I'm not ready for the state to put pressure on me."

Galon also rejects Livni and Bar-Tal's claim that courage can come out sweet. "Well
Really, suddenly Benizri started caring about women? He is so anxious for their fate that he
Won't our allowances be cut? We are on the brink of an economic plan that is going to hurt
in women It's a shame in the civil service, they just pad it with allowances."

Abortion as a demographic matter

A particularly sensitive matter that the council will be required to deal with is abortion. "We will not lend a hand
to the 'apartheidization' of the council," says Yael Dayan, referring to the association for encouragement
The birth "Efrat". But the Efrat Association has no representation in the Council for Demography and manner
Surprisingly, she even opposes its existence. "Efrat is not in the council because the council exists
Thirty years and we are still waiting for a child to be born as a result of her activity," he said
Dr. Eli Yosef Shusheim, chairman of "Efrat", in a discussion at the Committee on the Status of Women.
"Nothing comes out of this council. Make-up artist comes out. We are dealing with demographics
practical So I suggest everyone to relax, there is no need to panic about resuming activity
The Council".

Council member Dr. Ilana Ziegler, demographer and director of the Family Planning Association
in Israel, says that the rate of abortions should not be a concern from a demographic point of view.
According to her, the UN fertility survey revealed, among other things, that a woman who has an abortion gives birth
After a while, a child "in place" of the fetus that she aborted, so in the end there is no abortion
Effect on the number of children that woman will have. "Beyond that," says Ziegler,
"From studies conducted around the world it became clear that most women who undergo abortions give birth inside

Ziegler promises that she will oppose any attempt to damage the abortion law, which she believes is
of the liberals in the world. "I and others like this cannot be touched by this law, mainly because
Any such change will be anti-social and will harm the weakest strata: a woman who wants to do
Abortion will happen in any case, so those who have the option will find adequate ways
perform it, while the one that does not have to do it in all kinds of places no
Qualified and who knows what damage will be caused to her there."

According to Ziegler, the only way to reduce the number of abortions is educational, in her opinion
Success has already been achieved in this: "In fact, the CBS data shows that every year several
Abortions among young women are small." Dr. Levy would also recommend going in this direction. "It is important
to bring about so that the people concerned receive the best education and
The most up-to-date information so they can make the right decision for them. Other
That way, everyone will have to decide for themselves," he says.

The question is what kind of education it will be and what message you will convey through it.

"I'm talking about sexual education, about education that will explain what a family is, what a relationship is,
What is the meaning of having children, what are the dangers involved in doing something
which is contrary to nature. If you ask me, there is no message here. I'm not
Can go to kids in high school and tell them: guys, pro and revo and fill the

The members of the council - including the women's organizations and Knesset members mentioned above -
Agree that the abortion law in its current form should not be touched. the strictest of them
They claim that "to the same extent that it should not be touched, it should be fully maintained: to provide."
The woman has complete information about what is expected of her following the abortion, so that she can make a decision
Real," says Rabbi Halperin. "In addition, thousands of illegal abortions are performed too
year in Israel - and we need to be more careful to enforce the law in this matter."

Encouraging Jewish childbirth

The opposition to the activity of the Council for Demography is not limited to claims about recruitment
the womb The fact that the role of the council is to encourage childbirth among Jews is stimulating
Questions about Israel's democratic character. As soon as he heard about the gathering, he contacted
The human rights organization "Adalah" to the Attorney General and Minister Benizri, please
Prevent the financing of the council's activities by a government ministry and maintain separation
absolute between the council and the state authorities.

In her application, attorney Suhad Bashara wrote: "We learned that the public council
Demography is back in action following the publication of data by the Central Bureau of Statistics,
According to them, there has been a slowdown in the growth of the Jewish population in the country compared to the increase in its weight
of the Arab population in it. The main goals of the council, encouraging childbirth
Jewishness in Israel and finding solutions to harm the growth of the Jewish majority in the country.
The activity of the council (...) has the purpose of sending a message to the public, according to which the plurality
The Arab in the country has the potential to pose a threat to the country and to the entire public in it. A message
This entrenches the perception of the Arab as a threat, strengthens the trend of delegitimization
and dehumanization and emphasizes the inferiority of the Arabs in Israel."

Advocate Bashara also attached a constitutional reasoning to the request: "It is the duty of every administrative authority
to act in accordance with the principle of equality for the benefit of all citizens of the country, without racial differences,
Sex, origin and nationality. The Council, in its function and objectives, both hidden and visible,
It conveys a message to the citizens of the country that they are not equal, something that will take root and give
Legitimization of racism against part of the population in Israel".

Dr. Levy rejects these claims as well. "The Council for Demography does not have a goal to fight birth
the Arab, but she also has no intention of encouraging an Arab baby, just as she does not have one
Intention to encourage childbirth in the ultra-Orthodox community. words like 'dehumanization'
And 'delegitimization' are buzzwords. There is no 'da' here. There is a necessary purpose here
See in the right perspective. At first glance it may seem like it is
with discrimination and racism, but it should be remembered that everything the government decides follows
The council's recommendations will be true for Mrs. Katzenstein from north Tel Aviv just as much
that it would be true for Mrs. Mahmouda from the Arab village. Whatever the state decides, on
According to law or according to regulations, will apply to every citizen of the country. In other words, you should
Give the council a chance."

Galeon is not convinced. "There are those who think that the Arab population will evaporate
We will encourage Jewish women to give birth. I do not. In recent times we have witnessed legislation
problematic of government officials and of private MKs, which narrowed the steps of
the Arab population, so nothing would surprise me if they passed another law
Discrimination in the Knesset. A deliberate policy is being conducted here that harms the Arab citizens of Israel,
So what, now you'll be okay here to be nice to them? You made me laugh".

An appeal was also sent to Minister Benizri from the Musava Center - for the rights of citizens
The Arabs in Israel", demanding that the council be canceled immediately. "Deliberative existence
The council suffers from distinct racism, which goes against the supreme principles of the state in relation
For full equality for all its citizens," says attorney Elhan Nahas-Daoud. "The decision on
Opening the council's discussions is contrary to the values ​​of democracy and turns it into a democracy
ethnic This discriminatory step will negatively affect the status of the Arab population,
will push it into a corner and give it the status of a foreign population."

Adv. Daoud mobilizes for her arguments the Kadan verdict, in which the president of the court stated
Supreme Leader Aharon Barak two years ago because the principle of equality is from the principles of
The State of Israel, and claims that it therefore applies to any institutional, governmental decision.
According to Attorney Daoud, encouraging childbirth on ethnic grounds is also contrary to art
Various international laws, which prohibit discriminatory treatment on grounds of religion or nationality.

The opponents of the council could enlist the words of David Ben-Gurion, who warned, to help them
Already at the end of the 60s against government action to encourage childbirth: "The problem of childbirth
Israel is not the problem of all its residents, but the problem of the Jewish community alone, and therefore
This cannot be solved by the government. The State of Israel has equal rights
To all citizens regardless of nationality. This is a Jewish state, as stated in the declaration
Independence, but only in the matter of immigrating to Israel does the law distinguish between Jews and non-Jews
Non-Jews... in all other things there is full equality of rights, and if the government cares
To encourage childbirth by special help for families with many children - the help
goes mainly to Arab families... and therefore encouraging a new birth should be handled by the management
The agency or a special Jewish organization for that" ("Towards the Future", published by Am Oved

As Ben-Gurion's offer was not accepted at the time, Merkaz's demand was now rejected
Musawa. Tomer Moskowitz, the consultant, wrote in response to the letter of Attorney Daoud
The legal officer of the Ministry of Labor and Welfare and a member of the Council for Demography: "Preserving the majority
The Jew in the country does not constitute an extremely serious injury to the honor of the Arab citizens,
Because it does not change the customary legal-practical situation, according to which they are equal citizens
rights in a Jewish state. Therefore, I do not intend to stop the activity of the council".
Moskovitz also sent a similar answer to the Adalah association, which appealed to the legal advisor
The government "was transferred to the handling of the relevant factors at the Ministry of Labor and Welfare",
As the spokesman for the Ministry of Justice says.

Council member, Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Halperin, director of the Schlesinger Institute at Hadassah Hospital
The specialist in fertility problems and sexual function, reminds "those who have forgotten" that "the one who recruited you
The womb for national purposes is actually Arafat, when he said that the womb of the women of his people
will decide the war."

If it's wrong from this side, it must be wrong from the other side as well.

"I definitely think it's wrong on both sides, it's just important to me that they know who put you in
It's for the Middle East."

This is not necessarily accurate. "Demographic war through the womb is an Israeli invention
that the Palestinians adopted", says Prof. Yonatan Ensin, sociologist and demographer
from Ben Gurion University. "Although the Palestinians do not have a demography council,
But studies have shown that the birth rate among them is high because they are recruited nationally, precisely
As among the Jews who live in Palestine, that is, in the territories."

Israel, notes Prof. Ansin, is not just one of the only countries that encourage
Yolada - contrary to the prevailing trend in the world today - except that it is the only country
where they talk about demography openly in ethnic terms. "In terms of policy
government, it has no equal in the world. In general, this style of speech in which Medina
Biloda Pess intervenes from the world after World War II, for obvious reasons.
People were simply frightened by talk like improving the human race through birth
the right one".

the member of the Council for Demography, the former Minister of Health Shoshana Erbali Almozlino,
This whole discussion is boiling. "There is no racism here and I do not accept the talk at all
The goddess", she says. "For what did we establish a state if in the end it will be
Democratic but not Jewish? What do they want, that I encourage childbirth among Arabs,
That they will have 15 children instead of ten? The Jewish people must survive and do everything
for this. If we don't know how to protect the Jewish people we will be left without a people. Therefore, I
I suggest changing the tones a bit."

Col. (Res.) Gideon Abbas, Benizri's adviser on Arab affairs and member of the Council
The only non-Jew, does not see any problem with his membership in the council. "On the contrary, I am proud
to be a member of this council and I also thanked the minister for renewing its activities. the council
After all, you will also deal with the issue of foreign workers, who threaten employment in the Arab sector,
And also in matters of welfare, which definitely concern my public. I am sorry that the Adalah organization
I only see the council half empty, I see the half full. I am
I know that my sitting on the council can contribute a lot to my sector. i won't
something that will hurt him. Just being there is an honor for the Arabs, because it is important that they not only write
letters, but will also do. And it's better that we love the country and integrate into it than we slander
its institutions all the time."

Representatives of the Arab public claim that the encouragement of childbirth among Jews is actually intended
to deepen the discrimination of the Arabs.

"It is important to remember that encouraging the Jewish birth is only one of the goals of the council and as a representative
The Arab population I have to say I have no problem with that. It
legitimate. After all, this is the country of the Jewish people, and even then there is no need to encourage childbirth
in the Arab public".

This is, of course, a generalization. The natural increase in the members of the Arab-Christian minority is extremely small
More than half than the natural increase among Muslims in Israel, and only slightly greater
from the natural increase in Jewish society. Will the council consider the possibility in its deliberations
To encourage childbirth among Christian Arabs as well? "Everything that is good for the Jews will be good
For everyone," replies the chairman of the Council for Demography, Dr. Baruch Levy.

Racism or survival

According to Dr. Halperin, the heated debate that is going on here only proves that before
that the council begins to discuss its affairs there should be broad agreement on the reason for its existence,
That is, about the fact that there is a demographic threat. "We have to ask ourselves if we
We see importance in changing the demographic balance, so that the Jewish majority in the state is preserved
Israel. If so, you can start working."

According to Halperin, "encouraging childbirth can be interpreted as something political on the one hand, national
On the other hand, but it can also be a survival, Darwinian act. known",
He adds, "Because following a war or a great disaster, there was an increase in the birth rate."
Country. The baby boom, for example, was a product of the World War. A nation that wants to survive
activates its Darwinian mechanism. This law of nature is not political or
Political, is a law of nature. Nations that do not have this survival trait disappear
from the stage of history. We have the possibility that if we don't activate the mechanism
Our survival is already less than fifty years before catastrophe
demographic. We must find a way to prevent it."

How, by encouraging a Jewish birth?

"By bringing about an agreement on the danger and the need to overcome it.
At the moment there is no awareness at all of the magnitude of the problem, so of course there is no consensus on the solution
its. If there is no agreement on the danger, any proposal that does not come up in the council is considered
throwing sand in the air. And whoever tries to solve the problem right now, without consent, enters
with his head against the wall. I am categorically opposed to finding practical solutions at this stage. It
Waste of time. It's better to play chess."

Don't you think it is important to keep Israel as a democratic country, not racist?

"Depends on how you look at it: as a racist act, or as a natural step of a people who have passed
So much and in total want to survive. Is the need to maintain a Jewish majority?
In the only Jewish country in the world is this a racist act, or a survival thought?
The question is whether we came to Israel to establish a state for all its citizens, or whether we did
To establish a national home for the Jewish people. So maybe the Declaration of Independence is racist, maybe.
Maybe the anthem should be changed as well."

Council member, Prof. Sergio de la Pergola, head of the Institute for Contemporary Judaism,
says that "even though dealing with demographics raises the section for a few people, it's worth putting
all emotions aside and concentrate on what is important. Ignore this demographic today
Pathetic, therefore any occupation in this field is blessed. We are talking about processes here
social and cultural and on providing services to the population that ultimately constitutes
the infrastructure for the company's existence. The question of whether it is racist or not is out of place, for business
Demography has nothing to do with race and prejudice, but with the basic essence of a society
in a certain country".

De la Pergola says that in order to encourage birth among Jews he will recommend adoption
The Scandinavian model, which gives tax relief to the working woman, so that she can hire
cares, and shares the burden of raising the children more equally between the man and the woman
(Scandinavian law allows a man to take maternity leave instead of a woman). Additionally,
He says, they will have to talk in the council about allowances and housing, the Law of Return and other matters
Other important demographics.

Why do you think Minister Benizri renewed the activity of the Council for Demography?

"The question is not why now, but why not until now. The abnormal situation
It is that she is not functioning - and not when she is functioning." *

Benizri: The private is the national

"The renewal of the Demographic Council's activity was carried out at the request of the Chairman of the Council,
Dr. Baruch Levy, about a year ago," says Minister of Labor and Welfare, Shlomo Benizri. "Dr
Levy drew my attention to the worsening of the demographic problem in Israel, when the data
They show a minority of births on the one hand and an abundance of foreign workers on the other hand.
The fear that we may lose the unique character of the State of Israel obliges us
To act so that we will not be a minority in our country in ten-twenty years."

Minister Benizri rejects the claim, as if he established the council in order to reduce its number
The abortions carried out legally. "The number of abortions in recent years has been constant. to wish
In the last year a significant change that could have brought me to decide on its re-establishment
of the council in this context".

Regarding the formation of the council, the minister says: "I found it appropriate to try and form a committee whatever it may be
consists of representatives of the spectrum of Israeli society. It was very difficult to assemble the committee, yes
These are dozens of people who should have been examined by the legal advisor of the office."

Benizri expects the Council for Demography to recommend actions that will ensure the preservation of the majority
The Jew in Israel. "A study done years ago revealed that the majority of women in the country
are interested in increasing their family if the state will assist them in a variety of issues, such as housing,
Day care centers and the like. It follows that not only is there no contradiction between the personal will of
the women in the country and the national interest in increasing the birth rate, but the personal interest of
Most of the country's women (and men) are fully compatible with the national interest of fortification
The Jewish majority".

On the claim that he prefers national-Jewish interest Benizri says: "In the opening speech
I emphasized to the council members that the recommendations should also take into account the rights of
Non-Jewish minorities in the country. I undertake to examine the recommendations seriously, but
Certainly I cannot commit in advance to adopt all of them."


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